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animal instinct
2009/11/30 17:09:16瀏覽348|回應0|推薦1


Animal Instinct Lyrics form the http://www.sing365.com
Suddenly something has happened to me突然有些事情發生在我身上
As I was having my cup of tea當我有我的一杯茶
Suddenly I was feeling depressed突然我感覺沮喪
I was utterly and totally stressed我是徹底強調完全的,
Do you know you made me cry你知道你使我哭泣
Do you know you made me die你知道你讓我死

And the thing that gets to me而我遇到的事情,
Is you'll never really see是你根本看不到
And the thing that freaks me out而找事情趕我出去
Is I'll always be in doubt
It is a lovely thing that we have我們已經是這個可愛的東西,
It is a lovely thing that we我們是這個可愛的東西,
It is a lovely thing, the animal這是個可愛的東西,動物
The animal instinct動物的本能

So take my hands and come with me因此,握我的手,跟我來
We will change reality我們將改變現實
So take my hands and we will pray因此,握我的手,我們會祈禱
They won't take you away他們不會把你帶走
They will never make me cry, no他們永遠不會讓我哭,不
They will never make me die他們永遠不會讓我死
And the thing that gets to me而我遇到的事情,
Is you'll never really see是你根本看不到
And the thing that freaks me out而找事情趕我出去
Is I'll always be in doubt我永遠也成疑問

The animal, the animal,動物,動物,
the animal instinct to me我動物的本能
It's the animal, the animal,這是動物,動物,
the animal instinct to me我動物的本能
It's the animal, it's the animal,這是動物,它是動物,
it's the animal instinct to me x2我動物的本能

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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