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2009/11/30 16:38:44瀏覽388|回應0|推薦1

Lyrics form the http://www.sing365.com

Another head hangs lowly另一頭掛起卑賤
Child is slowly taken兒童是緩慢採取
And the violence causes silence而暴力的根源是沉默
Who are we mistaken?我們是誰錯了?
But you see, it’s not me但你看,這不是我
It’s not my family這不是我的家庭
In your head, in your head在你的頭,在你的頭
They are fightin’!他們是在戰鬥'!
With their tanks, and their bombs跟他們的坦克,他們的炸彈
And their bombs, and their guns而他們的炸彈,他們的槍
In your head, in your head在你的頭,在你的頭
They are cryin!他們哭泣!

In your head! In your head!在你的腦袋!在你的腦袋!
Zombie! Zombie! Zombie,hey,hey,hey!殭屍!殭屍!殭屍,嘿,嘿,嘿!
What’s in your head, in your head?什麼在你的腦袋,在你的腦袋?
Zombie! Zombie! Zombie hey,hey,hey,oh dou, dou, dou,dou dou...殭屍!殭屍!殭屍嘿,嘿,嘿,喔 嘟,喔 嘟, 嘟, 嘟,嘟嘟...

Another mother’s breaking另一位母親的崩潰
Heart is taken over.心臟過度負荷
When the violence causes silence暴力的根源是沉默 
We must be mistaken.我們必須錯誤。
It’s the same old theme這是同樣的老調
Since 1916!自1916年!
In your head, in your head在你的頭,在你的腦袋
They’re still fightin’!他們仍然在戰鬥
With their tanks, and their bombs在他們的坦克,他們的炸彈
And their bombs, and their guns而他們的炸彈,他們的槍
In your head, in your head!在你的頭,在你的頭!
They are dyin’!他們死去'!

In your head! In your head!在你的腦袋!在你的腦袋!
Zombie! Zombie! Zombie,hey, hey,hey殭屍!殭屍!殭屍,嘿,嘿,嘿
What’s in your head, in your head?什麼在你的腦袋,在你的腦袋?
Zombie! Zombie! Zombie hey, hey, hey, hey,oh, oh, oh, oh,oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, ya, ya-a!殭屍!殭屍!殭屍嘿,嘿嘿,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,,喔 ya, ya-a!

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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