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2012/04/16 20:04:04瀏覽251|回應0|推薦1 | |
Gever Tulley teaches life lessons through tinkering Gever Tulley 利用動人的相片和鏡頭展示孩子在萬能小工匠學校所學到的寶貴課程。當你提供孩子工具、材料和指導,他們就會發揮天馬行空的想像力,以有創意的問題解決方法讓他們建造獨一無 Gever Tulley uses engaging photos and footage to demonstrate the valuable lessons kids learn at his Tinkering School. When given tools, materials and guidance, these young imaginations run wild and creative problem-solving takes over to build unique boats, bridges and even a rollercoaster! |
( 知識學習|商業管理 ) |