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2012/03/19 11:13:01瀏覽1829|回應0|推薦1 | |
ISO 10015 - a Strategic Management Tool for Human Resource Development ISO10015:人力資源發展的策略性管理工具 Globalisation and rapid technological development have changed the conditions for companies and the competition in the world market. The quality of a company's human resources is the key driver for sustained top level performance. It has become crucial to continually invest in its human resource development in order to guarantee its success in the global market place. To safeguard this investment through training and management development, a management system needs to be installed in order to plan, implement, evaluate and control such human development processes. 全球化與科技的快速發展改變了企業所處的環境,也改變了全球市場的競爭型態。企業的人力資源品質是能夠確保企業績效的關鍵因素。為了確保在全球市場中的競爭優勢,企業必須不斷投資人力資源。為了確保透過訓練與管理發展的人力資源投資,必須建立管理系統以便能夠完整地規劃、執行與評估人力發展過程。 In-service training, in contrast to general education, is intended to meet specific company demands. Many companies and other organizations around the world have been giving prominence to its employees being the most valuable asset, but not so many have managed to structure the link between business planning and competence development. ISO 10015 will help management to ”practice what they preach”. 在職訓練,相較於一般教育,更須符合特定的企業需求。許多全球性的企業與組織已經視員工為其最具價值的資產,但卻沒有幾家公司能夠好好地連結事業計畫與員工的職能發展。而ISO10015即在協助公司的管理更切合「知行合一」的要求。 In the first stage of the four-stage process of ISO 10015, Defining Training Needs, the link is described where it says: “The definition should be based on an analysis of present and expected needs of the organization compared with the existing competence of its personnel.” This implies that an organization’s future needs must be related to its strategic plan and objectives and must be derived from internal as well as external sources. ISO10015涵蓋四步驟,其第一階段---訓練需求的界定:界定必須植基於組織目前的、期待的需求與員工個人現有職能的差距之比較、分析。這意味著組織未來的需求必須與其策略性計畫與目標相關,且須兼顧內、外部因素的考量。
An effective training process is described as a four-stage cycle based on Deming’s P-D-C-A wheel and is illustrated in the standard as shown to the left. Properly managed ISO 10015 helps an organization be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to competence development. 戴明的P-D-C-A四階段迴圈被視為是有效的訓練流程,繪如ISO10015標準,則如下圖所示。ISO10015可協助組織擁有預先行動而非事後行動的職能發展能力。
To ensure the quality of training it is important to consider the training process as part of the quality system of the organization. Monitoring and improving the process in accordance with the recommendations in ISO 10015, will ensure that it is being managed and implemented properly. Training processes can be audited and certified separately by AdeQuaTE depending on client needs and preferences. 為了確保訓練品質,組織必須將訓練過程視為組織品質系統的一部分。根據ISO10015建議的監測與改善過程,可確保訓練品質的管理與執行更臻完善。AdeQuaTE因此根據委託者的需求與偏好區隔了訓練過程的稽核與驗證。 For more information on ISO 10015 and audit, visit our web-site at相關消息,請瀏覽下列網站 |
( 知識學習|商業管理 ) |