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《電影音樂》幸福雙贏 - Think You Can Wait / The National
2012/09/23 23:20:03瀏覽929|回應1|推薦3

 Think You Can Wait / The National
I was drifting, crying
I was looking for an island
I was slipping under
I'll pull the devil down with me one way or another

I'm out of my mind; think you can wait?
I'm way off the line; think you can wait?

We've been running a sleepless run
Been away from the baby way too long
We've been holding a good night gone
We've been losing our exits one by one

I'm out of my mind; think you can wait?
I'm way off the line; think you can wait?

Did I?
(all I have is all)
Think you can wait?
Did I?
(all I have is all)
Think you can wait?

What I'm thinking is simple
I'll sell apples and ice water at the temple
I won't make trouble
I'll pull the devil down with me one way or another

We've been running a sleepless run
Been away from the baby way too long
We've been holding a good night gone
We've been losing our exits one by one

I'll try.
I'll try, but I couldn't be better.
(all I have is all)
I'll try, but I couldn't be better.
(all I have is all)
I'll try, but I couldn't be better.
(all I have is all)



電影《幸福雙贏 Win win 》是湯姆麥卡錫第三部自編自導作品,雖然沒有前兩部議題的沈重,但作品中依舊流露人性的溫暖與善意,對人情有細膩的刻劃,這也是導演作品中最讓人認同、喜愛的地方,平實的故事韻味無窮。故事描述面臨中年事業危機的律師,為了維持家計開銷,只好冒著丟掉名譽,接下監護人的工作賺取高額佣金,然而當老人的孫子意外現身,一切規劃都變了調,而少年出色的角力技巧,則讓兼差當高中摔角教練的律師驚豔不已,彷彿從他身上找回失去的勇氣與希望。在面臨道德難題的窘境,律師的犧牲其實很大,然而他獲得到的愛或許是更多,讓人油然升起尊敬之心。當面臨困境,有時只要轉個彎就能解決,但重點是有沒有這樣勇氣面對問題。

The National樂團 所演唱的Think You Can Wait 是相當好聽的電影片尾曲。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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2014/01/20 21:15
thanks you(oktay@msn.com)