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《電影音樂》勇敢傳說 - Learn Me Right / 柏蒂 ft. 蒙福之子樂團
2013/02/21 20:59:23瀏覽2224|回應0|推薦8

Learn Me Right - Birdy 柏蒂 ft. Mumford & Sons 蒙福之子樂團

Though I may speak some tongue of old
Or even spit out some holy word
I have no strength with which to speak
When you sit me down and see I'm weak

We will run and scream
You will dance with me
We'll fulfill our dreams
And we'll be free


We will run and scream
You will dance with me
We'll fulfill our dreams
And we'll be free

We will be who we are
And they'll heal our scars
Sadness will be far away

So I had done wrong but you put me right
My judgment burned in the black of night
When I give less than I take
It is my fault, my own mistake

We will run and scream
You will dance with me
We'll fulfill our dreams
And we'll be free

We will be who we are
And they'll heal our scars
Sadness will be far away




英倫才女Birdy與在第55屆葛萊美獎大放異彩的Mumford & Sons合作音樂,相當好聽。


皮克斯動畫勇敢傳說 BRAVE,以舊時蘇格蘭為背景,講述一個母女親情故事。當公主屏除傲慢,修補關係,才能彌補闖下的大禍,破除母親魔咒。有時候關愛你的人,難免嘮叨,又管東管西,以愛之名行約束之力。而如此壓力的生活,使得公主鑄下大錯,而公主的自我中心,就在最後害怕失去後才徹底知錯,她的自以為是及天真變得收斂,終於明白母親的苦心。「溝通」是良方,打開心房後,才會知道愛有多深。較為小品的皮克斯動畫,人物設計依舊精緻,但故事趨於古典,創意不再。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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