I'm waking up to ash and dust I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust I'm breathing in the chemicals I'm breaking in, shaping up, checking out on the prison bus This is it, the apocalypse Whoa
I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones Love to make my systems go Welcome to the new age, to the new age Welcome to the new age, to the new age Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive
I raise my flags, don my clothes It's a revolution, I suppose We'll paint it red to fit right in Whoa I'm breaking in, shaping up, checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse Whoa
I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones Love to make my systems go Welcome to the new age, to the new age Welcome to the new age, to the new age Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive
All systems go, sun hasn't died Deep in my bones, straight from inside
I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones Love to make my systems go Welcome to the new age, to the new age Welcome to the new age, to the new age Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive
謎幻樂團的 Radioactive 是熱門電影《宿主》預告片主題曲,在此專輯裡,另一首 It's Time 更是電影《壁花男孩》、美國影集《花邊教主》、《歡樂合唱團 Glee》都曾出現的歌曲。
電影《宿主 The Host》~改編自史蒂芬妮梅爾同名暢銷小說,莎柔絲羅南主演。當兩個意識同時並存在同一副軀體,身旁的人該如何面對?片中最大的問題或許是太快否定被外星人入侵的女主角,而只想置她於死地,少了掙扎與哀痛,我們也就少了對女主角遭遇的憐憫。故事主旨探討人與人之間的交流,是否可以提升到純粹的靈魂溝通,而不只是迷惑於外在事物的美麗。一部故事設定特別的科幻愛情電影,但故事張力實在不足。