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《電影音樂》天倫之旅-I Want To Come Home / 保羅麥卡尼
2010/02/10 09:40:57瀏覽2942|回應1|推薦4

天倫之旅- (I Want To) Come Home by Paul McCartney

For so long

I was out in the cold

And I taught myself to believe

Every story I told

It was fun hanging onto the moon

Heading into the sun

But it's been too long

Now I want to come home

Came so close

To the edge of defeat

But I made my way in the shade

Keeping out of the heat

It was fun shooting out of the stars

Looking into the sun

But it's been too long

Now I want to come home

Home where there's nothing but sweet surrender

To the memories from afar

Home to the place

Where the truth lies waiting

We remember who we are

For too long

I was out on my own

Every day I spent trying to prove

I could make it alone

It was fun hanging onto the moon

Heading into the sun

But it's been too long

Now I want to come home

For so long

I was out in the cold

But I taught myself to believe

Every story I told

It was fun hanging onto the moon

Heading into the sun

But its been too long

Now I want to come home

Yeah it's been too long

Now I want to come home

Been too long

Now I want to come.

前披頭士成員保羅麥卡尼為《天倫之旅》量身訂作主題歌-(I Want To) Come Home,相當動聽。並且入圍金球獎最佳原創歌曲。 
( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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一路走來 始終於一
2010/04/22 12:58

偶然看了電影 結尾時聽了這首歌 感覺好聽 尤其是在心情低落的時候

更是感同身受 雖然英文不是很好 不過旋律搭配歌手的低沉嗓音


繪琦(dream11124) 於 2010-04-23 19:59 回覆:

而且唱此曲的人  可是保羅麥卡尼
