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《電影音樂》金牌特務 - Get Ready For It / 接招合唱團
2015/05/09 23:45:36瀏覽1062|回應0|推薦5

Get Ready For It / Take That 接招合唱團

Get ready for it
Get ready for it

You said whatever you put out there
Whatever you put out there is gonna come back
You said whenever you are ready
Whenever you are ready just let it all out
And I know cos the enemy inside me
Cos the enemy inside me is holding me back
But we know there's something in the silence
There's something in the silence

Get ready for it
Get ready for it
You said there's only one place left to find
Together we can save the world tonight 
Get ready for it

You said every life is a lesson
Are you a fool or a Kingsman?
Cos only you know
Hold on cos the volume is rising
Yeah the volume is rising so you better hold on

The night is young
Until it's over
Until it's over
The night is young
The night is ours
Until tomorrow
Until tomorrow

Get ready for it
Yeah get ready for it
You said there's only one place left to find
Together we can save the world tonight
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
Get ready for it

The night is young
Until it's over
Until it's over
The night is young
The night is ours
Until tomorrow
Until tomorrow

Get ready for it

I'll hold your hand
With good intentions
With good intentions 
I'll hold your hand
The night is ours
Until tomorrow
Until tomorrow
You said there's only one place left to find
Together we can save the world tonight
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
Get ready for it




電影《金牌特務 The Secret Service》是向老派間諜電影致敬的英國片,動作場面華麗流暢、目不暇給,而柯林佛斯的紳士魅力實在太迷人,風度翩翩卻深藏不露的特務身手,調教新手猶如老片《窈窕淑女》,把握住機會、新手成材也有《麻雀變鳳凰》的味道。集結一群很棒的演員演出, 柯林佛斯、米高肯恩、馬克史壯、山謬傑克森等演員,導演塑造出風格化的角色,而部分電玩式拍法 相當幽默,以諾亞方舟為梗,誰該死、誰該活,充滿階級意識的選擇,卻是最後大頭都煙花燦爛掉了,視覺上實在驚人。一部  娛樂性很高的電影 反派因為人類是病蟲,所以要殺掉,偏激的想法是以手機網路為媒介,提高情緒引起雙方互砍,諷刺3C產品占據我們的生活,言之有物的動作喜劇,最後結局意想不到。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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