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《電影音樂》打不倒的勇者-World In Union 95 & Shosholoza & Colorblind & 9,000 Days/ Overtone
2010/01/13 10:36:58瀏覽3322|回應0|推薦3
World In Union 95 / Overtone with Yollandi Nortjie

there's a dream I feel,
so rare so real,
of a world in union,
a world as one,
gathering together,
one mind one heart,
every creed every colour,
once joined never part,
searching for the best in me,
I will find what I can be,
if I win lose or draw,
it's a victory for all,
it's the world in union,
the world as one,
as we strive to reach our destiny,
a new age has begun,
we must face high mountains,
must cross rough seas,
we must take our place in history,
and live with dignity,
it's the world in union,
the world as one,
as we climb to reach our destiny,
a new age has begun...

in the world, a world in union...
Shosholoza - Overtone with Yollandi Nortjie
Colorblind - Overtone
9,000 Days - Overtone
南非知名人聲樂團Overtone與個性男主音Yollandi Nortjie跨刀獻藝,福音式的唱合,讓人彷彿置身在南非的異國風情中。"World in Union"則是1995年南非橄欖球世界杯(Rugby (Union) World)的主題曲,相當激勵人心。
( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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