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《電影音樂》在屋頂上流浪- Here On My Own / U.N.P.O.L.
2009/06/20 22:39:05瀏覽1649|回應0|推薦11

Here On My Own / U.N.P.O.L.

They said I would never remember,
They said I would never remember,
That street back in December,
I'm falling, falling, falling, falling.

Now he's gone he will always remain,
Now he's gone he will always remain,
Now he's gone he will always remain,
It's the future, future, future, future.

I'm here on my own. ( x 4)

Verse 2:

Have you seen such a mixed up mind, Have you seen such a mixed up mind,
Have you seen such a mixed up mind,
And the candles burning, burning, burning.

Some would cry as they sang along,
Some would cry as they sang along,
Some would cry as they sang along,
It's the future, future, future, future
I'm here on my own. ( x 4 )

Middle Bit:
Now he has fallen, he's fallen away. ( x 2 )

I'm here on my own. ( x 4 )

Now he's gone he will always remain. ( x 3 )

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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