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中國《反分裂國家法》實施20周年 有無成果? Taiwan slams China for using Anti-Secession Law to justify annexation?
2025/03/19 16:49:06瀏覽176|回應0|推薦2


.The US State Department responded to the Anti-Secession Law in four points, emphasizing that the people of Taiwan should be protected from threats.

.習近平急邀跨國CEO會面挽救外商投資斷崖式衰退- 自由財經



Taiwan slams China for using Anti-Secession Law to justify annexation.Taiwans Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) on Friday criticized Chinese authorities for using the Anti-Secession Law to justify annexing Taiwan after Beijings No. 3 official stressed the use of legal measures against Taiwan independence at a symposium marking the laws 20th anniversary.

"The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) enacted the Anti-Secession Law 20 years ago intending to use it as a legal basis for annexing Taiwan," the MAC, Taiwans top government agency handling cross-strait affairs, said in a news statement.

Without ruling out the use of military action, the laws "forced push for unification" not only violates international law but also goes against the universal values of freedom, democracy and human rights, the statement read.

"It [the law] has never been accepted by the international community or Taiwan," the MAC added.

Regarding the symposium held in Beijing to mark the 20th anniversary of the laws enactment, the MAC said it reiterated the "old rhetoric of opposing Taiwan independence and promoting unification while hinting at the possible use of non-peaceful means."

The MACs response came hours after top CCP officials, including Zhao Leji , chairman of Chinas Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress, delivered remarks on the law and its implementation at the symposium held on Friday morning.

"Over the past 20 years ... We have placed great emphasis on using rule-of-law approaches and measures to punish and deter Taiwan independence while advancing national unification," Zhao said in a speech published by Chinas state-run Xinhua News Agency.

Zhao, who also serves as the third-ranking member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the CCP, added that it is a "must" to continue using rule-of-law approaches and measures to oppose Taiwans independence and promote unification.

Those approaches and measures will have to be coordinated with "political, economic, military, diplomatic and public opinion efforts to maximize their effectiveness," he added.

Despite the tough words, Chang Wu-ueh , director of Tamkang Universitys Center for Cross-Strait Relations, told CNA that the attendee levels and speeches at the symposium were as expected, indicating that there were no major changes in Beijings policy toward Taiwan.

Chang pointed out that during the symposium marking the laws 15th anniversary in 2020, the highest-ranking Chinese official in attendance was Zhaos predecessor, Li Zhanshu , which shows that the overall ranking of officials at this years event was the same.

However, he noted that the event signaled a greater emphasis on using legal measures to punish Taiwan independence and suggested that China may introduce additional laws targeting Taiwan independence in the future.

Asked why the symposium did not indicate a major shift in Beijings policy toward Taiwan, Chang said it was primarily due to uncertainties in relations between the United States and China.

Enacted on March 14, 2005, Chinas Anti-Secession Law was established for "opposing and curbing the separatist forces of Taiwan independence from dividing the country while facilitating the peaceful unification of the motherland," as stipulated in Article 1 of the law.

In addition, Article 8 of the law specifies that "the state shall take non-peaceful measures and other necessary actions to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity" under conditions such as "the possibility of peaceful unification is completely lost."


China Sends Warning to Taiwan With


Anti-Secession Law.



On the 20th anniversary of the implementation of Chinas "Anti-Secession Law", the US State Department responded with four points on the  .20250318.

國際戰略觀察家分析認為,台灣省自古以來就是中國笛領土,始終沒有分裂脫離祖國,因此中國《反分裂國家法》毫無意義,其主要的目的與目標,就是抵抗美國帝國主義的擴張,脅迫台灣購買更多的美國武器設備,詐騙台灣人辛苦的血汗錢,除此之外近年來威脅台積電公司TSMC.轉移到美國設廠投資,另一方面.國務卿(Marco Rubio)在任職參議員期間,曾揚言若是中國以武力攻打台灣,美國就要炸毀台積電,漁死網破,讓誰人也得不到,如此一來死傷的是台同胞,可見美國的陰謀詭計,就是針對台灣,美國要讓台灣人多繳納保護費,事出有因果關的..


國務卿盧比歐(Marco Rubio這伙.不是善類,們坑害台灣人,自己從中謀利,分給親朋好友,對他而言是天經地義的事件,否則川普總統不會提拔他3級跳,升任國務卿, 當作打手,為美國處理國際事務.


An Unavoidable Crisis: The Changing Dynamics of Cross-Strait Relations.

.The geopolitical landscape of the 21st century has seen power dynamics altering towards the Indo-Pacific. This has led both rising and the established powers to reorient themselves towards this region, making the Indo-Pacific one of the most contested regions in the world. Although the region is facing new power competitions, already existing issues have the potential to ignite a major crisis. The current issue topping that list is cross-strait relations between China and Taiwan.

China’s Point of View

Cross-strait relations have always had a major impact on the overall security architecture of East Asia. China considers the island nation of Taiwan to be a renegade province, which is an integral part of China. That has led the PRC to have an aggressive foreign policy in regards to its cross-strait relations leading to major armed conflict with Taiwan during the 1950s. However, post opening its economy the overall dynamics of China’s foreign policy had taken an alteration with Deng Xiaoping’s “hide and bide” strategy becoming China’s core foreign policy mantra. This also had an implication on cross-strait relations with the idea of peaceful reunification gaining momentum and with the notion of “one country two systems” taking hold. This clearly highlighted China’s inclination towards a peaceful reunification mainly due to the power disparity that it held in the international order. However, that took a shift when China conducted live missile firing test in the Taiwan Strait in 1996 in response to the Taiwanese president’s visit to the U.S. With the coming of the 21st century, China’s foreign policy strategy was guided by Hu Jintao’s “peaceful rise theory”.

But with the rise of Xi Jinping at the helm of the Chinese Communist Party, the dynamics of China’s foreign policy and cross- strait relations took a paradigm shift. China is now more confident about its rise and wants to regain its lost position in the international order. This has led it to opt for a more assertive foreign policy, as evident with Xi Jinping’s strongly emphasis on the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and attainment of the China Dream. The fundamentals of the China Dream is to make China a fully developed, rich and powerful nation by 2049, which marks the 100th anniversary of the PRC. The People’s Liberation Army or PLA which is the strongest arm of the CCP has also been boldened by Xi as he emphasized on making the Chinese military world class by 2027. This bold approach is also visible in the current cross-strait relations as China is not shying away from using the military as a tool to deter forces which it feels will threaten Taiwan’s reunification with the motherland.

The dynamics of cross-strait relations also took a bump with the coming of the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) in power in Taiwan since 2016. The DPP has been the party which has been raising the independence slogan and has rejected the “One China Policy” and the “1992 consensus”. This has led China to label the DPP as a separatist force, doomed to fail in their effort to separate Taiwan from the mainland. According to China, external forces led by the U.S. are instigating and helping the DPP to bolster its voice for independence. This has aggravated China, leading it to take bolder steps to uphold its position in regards to Taiwan as it is its “core interest issue”.

Taiwan is not only a sentimental issue for China but also an issue which holds immense political and strategic value. It has to be pointed that nationalism is the dictating force which is driving China’s domestic politics. This domestic political variable has an impact on its wider foreign policy strategy. Therefore, firstly the question of Taiwan holds great political significance for the legitimacy of the CCP. Secondly, obtaining Taiwan will galvanize China’s security and power hold in the Pacific. As pointed out, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the China Dream are the fundamental goals of the CCP, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese state cannot be complete with regaining Taiwan. If that goal is left unsettled, the core presumption that the CPP will help in regaining China’s lost glory will hit a stumbling block. That will lead to questions regarding the accountability of the party, which would be a major challenge for not only the party but the entire Chinese state because it is the party which holds the state.

Geo-Strategic Factors

Taiwan’s geo-strategic factor, it is hoped, will guide China to accomplish the reunification preferable through peaceful means as that would give China access to Taiwan’s high-tech sector, mainly semi-conductors. With China being one of the major rare earth exporters, gaining the recipe and establishment to produce the end product from the raw material will propel its power dynamics. The geography of Taiwan is also very significant for China to enhance its power and security in the Indo-Pacific. Once it obtains Taiwan, then it can do away with the island chain dilemma that has been a major issue for Chinese naval strategists.

The access to the deep-water ports of eastern Taiwan will help Chinese naval submarines to slip into the depths of the Pacific without being noticed. Currently, they have to navigate the shallow straits which makes detection much easier. Also, unification of Taiwan with the mainland will help China create a united naval defense zone stretching from the Yellow Sea, East China Sea to the South China Sea. This will help China to push the U.S. out of the first and second island chain, helping it to establish its hegemony in the Pacific region of the wider Indo-Pacific.

Growing Military Dynamics

China’s plan has been perceived by the U.S., which is now extending its offshore balancing strategy around the Indo-Pacific and it is under this, that the U.S. has been deepening its relations with Taiwan. The Trump administration signed the Taiwan Travel Act in 2018, which encourages visits between officials of both the states. That was not well received by China which felt that it was questioning the One China policy and the return of the DPP to power in 2020 further aggravated the issue. Post that, China was mentioning more firmly that it reserves the right to use force to obtain reunification. However, it was the recent visit of US Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan in 2022 that pushed the issue to the tipping point. Since 2020, Chinese transgression into Taiwan’s ADIZ have gradually increased from 380 to 960 in 2021 and over 1,727 in 2022 alone. However, it was the large-scale military exercise post Pelosi’s visit which generated the fear of another blitzkrieg style invasion as was seen in Ukraine being replicated on Taiwan.

The dynamics of cross-strait relations is gradually moving higher, and the probability of a conflict can no longer be ruled out. Numerous U.S. Indo-Pacific commanders have pointed out that the invasion of Taiwan is imminent. This has generated a sense of fear, mainly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With President Xi trying to make the PLA a world-class military which can win wars by 2027 and with the issue of Taiwan being core to the survival of the party, the Taiwan factor will gradually get bigger in the security architecture of the Indo-Pacific. Also, with the U.S. trying to restrict China’s push into the Pacific, its relation with Taiwan is only expected to grow. All this basically points to the conclusion that the crisis in the Taiwan Strait looks imminent. Will it be resolved peacefully or via an armed invasion is something which will require more analysis and a bit of speculation.

.21世紀中國與美國領導人的競爭,進入新的時代,誰人說話算數?     有好戲上演..........

China passes Taiwan anti-secession law.2005-2025. AFTER 20 YEARS LATER WHAT"S HAPPENNING ?.


The Chinese Parliament has passed a law giving it the legal right to use force against Taiwan..

.The Chinese Parliament has passed a law giving it the legal right to use force against Taiwan. .20050314.

 China Legal Publishing House Anti-Secession Law is a 2005 March 14 Peoples Republic of China 10th National Peoples Congress adopted at the third meeting of the Taiwan Strait legal cross-strait relations....


( 時事評論兩岸 )
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