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2025/03/18 02:33:39瀏覽223|回應0|推薦4 | |||||
. China confirms military drills in Taiwan Strait.Beijing’s forces have set up a zone for “shooting training,” the Foreign Ministry The Chinese military has established a drill zone for “shooting training,” a Foreign Ministry spokesperson confirmed on Wednesday, after Taipei accused Beijing of holding “live-fire exercises” near coastal cities hosting the self-governing island’s military bases. Earlier in the day, Taipei accused Beijing of a “provocation” and said 32 military aircraft and an unspecified number of warships had been detected off the island, where they reportedly conducted a drill in an area of about 40 nautical miles (74km). The exercise was launched “without prior warning,” Taipei’s Defense Ministry stated as it dispatched local forces to monitor the situation. When asked to comment during a regular press briefing on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said it was “not a question on foreign affairs,” but confirmed that the exercise had been launched. The Chinese Defense Ministry has not commented on the situation so far.
CHINA Military drills in Taiwan Strait serious warning to Taiwan separatist forces: FM. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Monday that Chinese military drills in the Taiwan Strait are a resolute response to foreign connivance and support to "Taiwan independence," and a serious warning to Taiwan separatist forces. She said Chinas military actions are necessary, legal, and justified measures to defend national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity. Mao made the remarks during a daily press briefing when asked to comment on a media query. According to reports, the Chinese military conducted military exercises in the Taiwan Strait on Monday. It is believed that the drills were related to recent changes on the U.S. State Departments website regarding Taiwan policy, as well as the actions of "Taiwan independence" forces. Mao recently said that the U.S. side has taken a series of wrong actions in regard to the Taiwan question. In particular, the United States deleted the literal expression that reflected the one-China principle and that did not support "Taiwan independence" on the website of the U.S. Department of State, which indicates wrong signals to Taiwan separatist forces. Mao reiterated that the Taiwan question is at the core of Chinas core interests, and the one-China principle is the fundamental basis of China-U.S. relations. "Mishandling of the Taiwan question will shake the very foundation of China-U.S. relations," Mao said, adding that separatism for "Taiwan independence" is as incompatible with peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait as fire with water, and that containing China with the Taiwan question will only lead to self-harm. Mao Ning urged the United States to fulfill commitments made by past U.S. administrations on the Taiwan question, cease provocative actions that cross red lines, and handle Taiwan-related questions with greater caution to avoid causing further serious damage to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and to China-U.S. relations. ■
中國外交部20250317日舉行例行記者會時,外籍記者在提問中表示,中國軍隊今日在台海附近進行軍事演習,認為與美國務院網站修改對台政策表述有關。對此中國外交部證實此事,稱美方蓄意向台獨勢力發送錯誤訊號,中方相關軍事行動是捍衛國家主權正當之舉,也是對外部勢力執意縱容支持台獨行徑的堅決回應。 中國外交部今日舉行外交記者會,一名外籍記者提問時指,中國軍隊今日在台海附近展開軍事演習。外界認為此舉與美國國務院網站,近期修改對台政策表述,以及台獨勢力倒行逆施有關,尋求中國外交部的評論。中國軍方今日未主動公布演習相關訊息?。 台灣問題是中國核心利益中的核心,一個中國原則是中美關係政治基礎中的基礎,基礎不牢地動山搖,並敦促美方切實恪守一個中國原則和中美三個聯合公報,兌現美國歷屆政府在台灣問題上所做的鄭重承諾,停止越線挑釁行徑。 為應對中共近年在台灣周邊進行灰色地帶襲擾,且不排除透過「由演轉戰」模式對台攻擊,中國軍方今天起執行為期5天的「立即備戰操演」20250317-22加以應對與訓練,對於近日中國軍隊侵擾情形,台灣防務部門今天上午表示,自上午6時40分起,陸續偵獲中國空軍J-10,空警-500等各型主,輔戰機及無人機計26架次出海活動,其中20架次逾越台海中線及其延伸線,進入我北,中.西南及東部空域,配合共艦執行「聯合戰備警巡」。 中國解放軍東部戰區今日並未主動發布任何與軍事演習相關訊息,台灣國防部目前也僅稱共軍出動執行為「聯合戰備警巡」。 ..
.Rumor has it that according to US military intelligence: 20250317-pm: 14:55-15:00. Chinese Air Force J-20. Stealth fighter flew over Taiwan from west to east, flying towards the Pacific Ocean? ? ? There are also rumors that Taiwan and the US Pacific Command have been notified in advance? Can the American Pave Paws radar monitoring station in Leshan, Hsinchu County, Taiwan capture the presence of Chinas J-20 stealth fighter? Some Taiwanese people reported that they heard the sound of a fast fighter jet (a loud roar of an airplane engine crossing the sky over Taiwan) at around 3:00 pm on March 17, 2025. 傳聞根據美國軍方情報透露出:20250317-pm:14:55-15:00.中國空有一架擬似J-20.隱形戰鬥機,自西向東飛越台灣上空,朝向太平洋方向飛行? ? ? 又傳聞已經事先通知台灣及美國太平洋司令部? 台灣新竹縣樂山美國舖路爪雷達監測站,是否能夠捕捉到中國J-20.隱形戰鬥機的身影成謎? 有台灣民眾反應稱在20250317.下午將近3時許,聽到急速戰鬥機的聲響(很大的飛機引擎轟鳴聲音跨越台灣上空)_?
China confirms J-20 fighter jet’s role in Taiwan encirclement ?The Chinese stealth fighter jet J-20 showcased its prowess during the recent Joint Sword-2025A exercise, which simulated an invasion of Taiwan.“The J-20 stealth fighter jet, termed ‘cross-Straits lethality’ by the PLA Eastern Theater Command, demonstrated high stealth, supersonic cruise, and enhanced situational awareness during the drills |
( 時事評論|兩岸 ) |