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中國空軍J-31B,隱形戰鬥機 橫空出現.New Chinese J-31B Fifth-Generation Fighter.
2025/03/16 15:46:36瀏覽168|回應0|推薦2

China’s 2nd Stealth Fighter, FC-31/J-35, Originally Designed For Naval Ops, May Get Land-Based Variant.A recent image suggests China is advancing work on a land-based version of its FC-31/J-35 stealth fighter. The photographs of the prototype fighter indicate significant design differences from the carrier-based J-35, which has been the focus of recent development.

The image, shared by Chinese aviation researcher @Rupprecht_A on May 29, has sparked considerable interest in the aviation community. The aircraft has been in the limelight for months, partly due to its carrier-based mockup displayed on China’s third aircraft carrier.

This new development represents a return to the fundamental principles and origins of the program, reflecting a renewed focus on aspects that initially prompted its inception.

The first two FC-31 prototypes in the image were designed as land-based fighters. However, interest waned, and the design was adapted for carrier operations, resulting in the J-35.

The manufacturer, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, appears to be revisiting the land-based variant alongside the J-35..

The photo offers the most detailed view yet of what seems to be the new land-based version of the jet, currently called the J-31. Numerous compelling indications suggest that this aircraft goes beyond being just another J-35 prototype.

The J-31/B. has a smaller wing surface area — where the horizontal tail surfaces intersect with the wing — than the J-35. In contrast, the J-31 features a small gap between these surfaces.

Additionally, the landing gear configuration on the J-31/B differs from its J-35 counterpart. It features a distinctive single-nose wheel arrangement in contrast to the twin-wheel setup observed on the J-35.

The absence of a catapult launch bar on the J-31, a feature on the J-35, further supports this distinction.https://youtu.be/FcrkAV4qIFY?si=OdbDW7eOXfSwpuMH

China has Released a New Fifth-Generation FC-31B Stealth Fighter Jet -  YouTube

2014.China’s J-31 Stealth Fighter:中國空軍為什麼沒有採購J-31.隱形戰鬥機為主力戰鬥機? 

202407.瀋陽飛機公司再度推出J-31/B.隱形戰鬥機企圖進入中國空軍服役?  ..

根據西方國家軍事戰略家分析認為,2025 年中國空軍已經有關J-20.J-20/S.J-35.隱形戰鬥機正式服役, 極為可能性 J-31/B.就是外銷版,主要與美國F-35.F35/A.,競爭國際軍火市場,傳聞巴基斯坦(採購24架)及阿拉伯聯合大公國內UAE.(採購50架)已經同意採購J-31/B.? 

除此之外202503.傳出德國,法國,西班牙及加拿大,重新審議採購美國F-35.隱形戰鬥機的計劃,F-35.每架售價2億美元,不包括飛彈及零組等相關設備,此時中國空軍卻推出J-35/B.外銷海外版本,亦圖明確的是與美國競爭國際軍火市場的佔有率,更有傳聞匈牙利與塞爾維亞(南斯拉夫) 已經派遣人員至中國恰談有意採購,J-35/B.隱形戰鬥機作為未來的主力戰鬥機,如果成真,那麼一來歐洲的空中出現,F-22.

F-35.vs J-35/B(China).同時較勁的精彩畫面,同時2026年度賽匈高速鐵路竣工通車.習近平國家主席再度訪問匈牙利與塞爾維亞(南斯拉夫).

This follows a stalled deal during Donald Trump’s presidency, where the UAE had agreed to buy 50 F-35s from the US in exchange for establishing diplomatic ties with Israel. The pause in the deal came after President Joe Biden took office in 2021. He was worried about the UAE’s ties with China and the chance that technology might be leaked. So, showing off the J-31B is a big step for China’s stealth fighter abilities. Its progress and rising global interest show Beijing’s commitment to enhancing its military strength and export opportunities.

J-31 The Forgotten 5th Gen Fighter

Shenyang Aircraft Corporation Unveils Details of New Chinese J-31B Fifth-Generation Fighter.

. Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) released a video revealing the new J-31B "Gyrfalcon" stealth fighter. The J-31B appears significantly larger than the original FC-31 model, which was first introduced a decade ago, evolving from a medium to a heavy fighter. It is equipped with side weapon bays, each capable of carrying two combat missiles. This fifth-generation medium-sized stealth fighter has been independently developed by SAC.

Xiaoyang Video has confirmed that this aircraft is officially named the J-31B. The footage shows the front side of the aircraft marked with "J-31B," and a close-up of the side weapon bay labeled "weapon bay," containing two missiles..

The video provides significant information about the side weapon bay design of the J-31B. This indicates that the J-31B has a payload capacity comparable to heavy fighters, excelling in structural optimization, space utilization, and engine performance. The J-31B can carry at least two missiles in its side weapon bays. Combined with a main weapon bay similar to that of the J-20, the J-31B can carry at least four PL-12 medium-range air-to-air missiles. If the main weapon bay is replaced with ground or anti-ship weapons, it will not only possess the capability for stealthy approach and aerial bombing but also form a multi-role fifth-generation fighter with stealth, situational awareness, and all-domain offensive capabilities, capable of performing various missions.

Additionally, the J-31Bs side weapon bay adopts a "single-door" design, consistent with Chinas current heavy stealth fighter, the J-20. In 2018, the J-20 demonstrated its full weapon load during an air show by fully opening its main (underbelly) and side weapon bays (side of the aircraft). Compared to the F-22s "double-door" side weapon bay design, the J-20s single-door design allows the bay door to close after the missile is deployed, leaving only the missile exposed. This reduces the impact on the fighters stealth performance and aerodynamic shape.

J-31/B. & J-31.
The Shenyang Aircraft Corporation [SAC], a major Chinese defense company, has released a video showcasing their latest fifth-generation fighter jet, the J-31B. The video shows a computer-generated image of the J-31B from the front, labeled “J-31B” and called “Gyrfalcon.” The jet features side weapon bays, each with two missiles. .


China’s J-31B Gyrfalcon stealth aircraft debuts with advanced tech.

China’s Shenyang Aircraft Corporation Unveils J-31B Fifth-Generation Fighter. The aircraft intended to be carrier based is equipped with side weapon bays, each capable of carrying two missiles.


Initially called the FC-31 for export, this medium-sized stealth fighter has been known as the J-31 or J-35 in Chinese media. This recent video officially names it the J-31B. For months, this jet has been catching the eyes, especially for its potential on aircraft carriers. Compared to the original FC-31, introduced a decade ago, the J-31B looks larger and more advanced. 

The video suggests that the J-31B competes with heavy fighters regarding payload capacity. It also shines in design, space use, and engine performance. Notably, the J-31B’s side weapon bays can carry at least two missiles. This sets it apart from the US F-22 Raptor and China’s J-20, which can only take one missile per side. In addition, it has a main weapon bay like the J-20, which can hold at least four PL-12 medium-range air-to-air missiles. 

.Chinese experts, as reported by the South China Morning Post, note that moving from the FC-31 to the J-31 shows it is ready for military use and has received an official designation. Despite these advancements, there are still questions about the J-31B’s exact role and use. Fu Qianshao, a military analyst from Beijing and retired PLA Air Force equipment expert suggests that the “B” might indicate different versions of the J-31. 

However, we still don’t know if this B variant will be designed for carriers, land missions, or the export market. Another expert believes the J-31B is more likely to join the PLA Air Force instead of the Navy, based on the single-wheeled front landing gear shown in the video, which is typical for land-based aircraft.

The official launch of the J-31B shows how much progress China has made in military aviation, highlighting its growth in stealth fighter technology. As we continue to evaluate and modify the J-31B, its future role in China’s defense will become clearer.. 

China  J-31/B.test fly in progress .OK..



.解放軍中應該存在與J-20 ,J-20/S.J -35不同的第三種隱形戰鬥機.(J-31)。




The J-31B has a payload capacity comparable to heavy fighters, excelling in structural optimization, space utilization, and engine performance. 

Chinese Stealth Goes Operational, Carrier Program and Export Initiatives Accelerate

( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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