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文章數:7309 |
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時事評論|國際 2024/12/28 20:32:17 |
. . . Bypassing Russia: Construction of China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway via Turkey to Europe launched..This route will ensure the delivery of goods from China to Kyrgyzstan, as well as to the countries of Central Asia and the Middle East, including Turkey, and further to the European Union. The project will strengthen interregional ties, help diversify transport routes and increase the competitiveness of the region as an international transport and transit hub, which is in line with the goals of the Central Asian countries. .The construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway has officially been launched. It is assumed that the new road will allow the delivery of various goods from China to Central Asia, and from there through Turkey to Europe, bypassing the Russian Federation. The participants in the construction call this route strategic.
China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway: A Risky Gamble with Geopolitical and Economic Consequences:The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan (CKU) railway project is a flagship infrastructure initiative that forms a vital part of China’s expansive Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).Construction of China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway starts in Kyrgyzstan.On 27 December 2024, construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway started in Kyrgyzstan, which in the future will play a strategic role in accelerating cargo traffic between China and Europe. The groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, led by President Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan, took place in the village of Tosh-Kutchu in the city of Jalalabad. Japarov stressed that the China–Kyrgyzstan–Uzbekistan railway is an important strategic bridge that will connect the countries of the East and the West rather than just a transport corridor. “This route will not only facilitate the efficient delivery of goods from China to Kyrgyzstan but also to other Central Asian nations, the Middle East, including Türkiye, and ultimately to the European Union,” he stated. Japarov further highlighted that the project will significantly enhance interregional connectivity, diversify transportation routes, and elevate the region’s competitiveness as a prominent international transport and transit hub. This aligns perfectly with the strategic goals of the Central Asian countries. .Xi: China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway Project Key to Regional Connectivity and Prosperity.Congratulatory messages in honor of the launch of the project were sent by Chinese President Xi Jinping and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.Xi Jinping said that the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway is a strategic decision made by the governments of the three countries to promote regional connectivity, prosperity and stability.Xi Jinping said that efforts should be made to turn the railway into a new demonstration project of cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road, in order to make a greater contribution to the socio-economic development and welfare of the peoples in the region where it will be built, and to give a new impetus to building a closer Chinese-Central Asian community of shared destiny.Shavkat Mirziyoyev drew attention to the economic impact of the construction of the new railway.20 stations, 42 bridges and 25 tunnels will be built along the Kashgar–Torugart–Makmal–Jalal-Abad–Andijan railway route. In addition, a modern transit and logistics infrastructure, warehouses and terminals will be created.“It is estimated that the commissioning of this highway will serve to multiply the scale of regional trade and investment, significantly reduce transport costs and unlock the enormous transit potential of Central Asia,” the President of Uzbekistan said. According to him, the annual volume of cargo transportation along the corridor will amount to 15 million tons. This new route will significantly reduce the distance and delivery time for goods traveling from China to European countries by several thousand kilometers and almost a week, respectively. “Looking ahead, the integration of this railway line with the Trans-Afghan corridor will effectively enhance connectivity and strengthen transport and communication linkages between China, Central Asia, and South Asia,” Mirziyoyev emphasized.***According to the Uzbek news agency Uzdaily, the total length of the rail line will be 486 kilometers. The construction of this railway is anticipated to revolutionize regional logistics. By 2050, the annual cargo volume transported along this route is projected to reach 13.5 million tons. This will significantly reduce goods delivery times by seven days, generating substantial economic benefits for Uzbekistan, estimated at $150-200 million annually, primarily through increased cargo transit. This railway will unlock significant connectivity benefits. It will provide Central Asia with seamless access to the Pacific Ocean via China, while simultaneously granting China access to the Persian Gulf countries. The development and construction of this rail line will be realized by the Chinese company ‘China Railway International’. To effectively implement this ambitious project, a joint venture named “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway Company” has been established in Kyrgyzstan. The Chinese side holds a majority stake in the company, owning 51% of the shares, while Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan each contribute 24.5% to the venture.///nCa, 27 December 2024
. ..Heads of state of China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan congratulate signing of intergovernmental agreement on railway projectChinese President Xi Jinping congratulates via video link the signing of an intergovernmental agreement in Beijing, capital of China on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project,
中吉烏鐵路項目啟動儀式20241227日在吉爾吉斯賈拉拉巴德舉行。習近平向啟動儀式致賀信,吉爾吉斯總統夫(Sadyr Japarov)現場出席活動,烏茲別克總統Shavkat Mirziyoyev)致賀信。中吉烏鐵路將建立一條連接亞歐的新陸路通道,有效帶動沿線地區的產業發展、資源開發和城市化建設. 根據建設計畫,中吉烏鐵路計劃往返於中國喀什,經吉爾吉斯,至烏茲別克的安集延,總長500多公里,總建設成本估計為46.65億美元,其中23億以貸款形式,其餘資金由三國提供,其中,中國提供10.87億,其他兩國各提供5.73億。 中吉烏三國已合資成立公司,由中國負責吉爾吉斯境內工程的設計、採購、建設和其餘主要工作。不過,受限各種問題,中吉烏三國曾於今年6月簽署協定,以解決財政問題。 根據規劃,中吉烏鐵路全長約523公里,其中中國境內213公里,吉爾吉斯境內260公里,烏茲別克境內約50公里。建成後這條鐵路將是從中國運輸貨物到歐洲和中東的最短路線,貨運路程將縮短900公里,時間節省7至8天。中吉烏鐵路動工代表著俄羅斯態度的轉變。 「相信中吉烏鐵路也將為俄羅斯帶來好處」. 中國鐵路總公司表示,中吉烏鐵路建成後,將成為戰略走廊,為三國及其人民帶來實質的利益,同時促進區域經濟社會發展。將為加強沿線國家基礎設施互聯互通和經貿往來,推動「一帶一路」高品質發展發揮重要作用。 China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project commencement ceremony held in Kyrgyzstan on Friday(20241227). .. The commencement ceremony of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan (CKU) railway project was held in Jalalabad, Kyrgyzstan on Friday, marking significant progress in its preliminary phase and laying a solid foundation for the projects construction at an early stage, China Railway said in a statement sent to the Global Times on Friday. . . .
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