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2017/05/18 11:10:50瀏覽517|回應0|推薦5 | |
(Thomas D.Lairson)和(David Skidmore)在他們合著的一本政治經濟學著作中非常明確地指出,國際政治的本質是尋求權力與財富的鬥爭 中國政府提出"一帶一路"倡議,形式上是為廣大發展中國家和民族搭建一個合作共贏的平台,但本質上是提出一種新的發展路徑,推動現有國際政治經濟秩序向著更加公正合理的方向發展。
International Political Economy: The Struggle for Power and Wealth . INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY focuses on the dynamics of conflict and cooperation among nations as each pursues power and wealth through international economic exchange. The authors provide a historical and topical overview of the development of the world economy from 1815 to the present, helping students understand how and why major economic powers rise and fall. This balanced blend of history, theory, and policy makes the book suitable as a main text for International Political Economy courses or as a supplemental text for an Introductory International Relations course.
INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY focuses on the dynamics of conflict and cooperation among nations as each pursues power and wealth through international economic exchange. The authors provide a historical and topical overview of the development of the world economy from 1815 to the present, helping students understand how and why major economic powers rise and fall. This balanced blend of history, theory, and policy makes the book suitable as a main text for International Political Economy courses or as a supplemental text for an Introductory International Relations course. 中國偉大的倡議能夠成功不僅在於道德上的優勢,更重要的是現實可行性。"一帶一路"倡議的沿線國家多是地緣政治上的高風險國家,這也是長期以來西方主導的全球化進程之所以差別對待的原因之一,同樣也是部分西方國家詬病"一帶一路"倡議最主要的理由。
中國 "一帶一路"基於古絲綢之路而設計,希望推進中國經濟走向世界。 技術進步已經為經濟發展模式的革命性突破奠定了基礎。這種新的發展模式正在顛覆傳統的"經濟交換"觀念,越來越多地以提供"低於成本"乃至"免費"商品和服務為特徵 中國"一帶一路"倡議有著最為先進與新穎的商業邏輯。這種商業邏輯不再是單純的資本輸出和商品交換,而是依托基礎設施建設為快速蓬勃發展的新型經濟奠定基礎,打破地緣政治上高風險國家中普遍存在的貧窮與動蕩,互為因果的惡性循環,這正是有那麼多的國家響應與配合一帶一路的真正原因,否則2019年中國再度舉辦一帶一路高峰會論壇,就是炮聲隆隆的鬥爭場面,中國將盡義務與享受權利,而不是幕後下指導棋?
( 時事評論|國際 ) |