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2025/03/24 00:29:53瀏覽102|回應0|推薦3 | |
You Don’t Need A Kill Switch To Hobble Exported F-35sThe U.S. doesnt have to rely on a kill switch to rapidly degrade and soon end a foreign countrys ability to use its F-35s.?
https://youtu.be/TQAfwk3Otno?si=VXrdRLIIedm_nooe In response to recent European media reports, Lockheed Martin and several governments have pushed back on the idea that F-35 Joint Strike Fighters have any kind of a discreet ‘kill switch’ that U.S. authorities could use to remotely disable the jets. The stark reality is that a dedicated kill switch is not needed to keep foreign F-35s from being able to perform what they were designed to do. Just cutting off support to the jets would accomplish the same result, albeit maybe not instantly, but soon enough.
. USA-F-35黯藏殺機KS.已經曝光,被證實存在由美國戰略管制中心統一調整作業,換句話說德國,法國,加拿大,葡萄牙,西班牙,日本等國家訂購的話F-35 隱形戰鬥機,都被美國密秘配置 KILL SWITCH.系統裝置,以防止意外事件發生?(使用方拆卸F-35 的零組件 研究, 除此之外防制飛行員,被中國及俄羅斯策反,駕機逃亡,換取高額獎金等等),日本曾經購買100 架構F-35 .隱形戰鬥機,後來又被美國壓迫再增加購買100 架構F-35.隱形戰,如此一來日本就是有200 架隱形戰鬥機,因此日本要求美國在日本開設計F-35.的組裝生產線,換句話說就是將來F-35/J隱形戰鬥機的100 架移到日本組裝生產,主要機械設備美國提供,諸如引擎發動機,武器系統,通訊設備系統等,其他次要零件設備,則由美國監督在日本生產使用,如此一來日本多少能夠學習到底F-35.隱形戰鬥機生產資訊,以利將來日本自己生產製造隱形戰鬥使用, 可見為什麼第一架,由日本組裝的F-35/J隱形戰鬥機,在試飛的當日卻墜海失事,機毀人亡,事故發生之後,由美國軍艦封鎖海域,禁止日本搜救打撈,F-35/J.的飛機殘骸,尤是飛行記錄器(黑盒子) ,由此看來日本首架,自行組裝迪話F-35/J.隱形戰鬥機 ,顯然是被美國黯藏 KILL SWITCH.在遠端無線遙控方式啟動,發生事故 ,後來傳聞美國情報透露出,在日本三菱重工F-35/J.組裝生產線的工作人員,有日裔華人,有此藉口美國撤除,在日本的-35/J.生產線,.已經被中國滲透,竊取相關的F-35 隱形戰鬥機的機密資訊? . .中國新版本J-31/B. 已於202410 月試飛成功.巴基斯坦及阿拉伯聯合大公國已經下單採購.此一來 中國外銷版本J-31/B.. 有望外銷歐洲軍火市場? 物美價廉買飛機送導向飛彈只有中國說出來做的到.買到賺到 爽快. J-31B/ Kill Switch To Hobble Exported F-35s . The U.S. doesnt have to rely on a kill switch to rapidly degrade and soon end a foreign countrys ability to use its F-35s.? https://youtu.be/TQAfwk3Otno?si=VXrdRLIIedm_nooe In response to recent European media reports, Lockheed Martin and several governments have pushed back on the idea that F-35 Joint Strike Fighters have any kind of a discreet ‘kill switch’ that U.S. authorities could use to remotely disable the jets. The stark reality is that a dedicated kill switch is not needed to keep foreign F-35s from being able to perform what they were designed to do. Just cutting off support to the jets would accomplish the same result, albeit maybe not instantly, but soon enough.
. . .歐洲各國擔心美國掌握 F-35 隱藏功能開關.KILL SWITCH.極為可能性終止,採購美國F-35.?歐洲輿論開始恐慌認為近年各國大量向美採購的 F-35 戰機,可能會在關鍵時刻被美國遙控關閉重要功能,為此洛克希德馬丁表示不需要這種東西。近日許多歐洲媒體開始討論,美國軍售給各國的 F-35 戰機有先進的電腦系統,因此若使用國和烏克蘭一樣不聽美國勸告,有可能在緊急情況下,F-35 遭到美國遠端鎖定某些特定功能,嚴重影響戰機功能,以此威脅盟國就範。 . 製造商洛克希德馬丁以及多個歐洲國家國防部官員,包括比利時國防部長(Frederik Vansina),和瑞士國防部都出來闢謠,表示 F-35 並沒有什麼遙控開關可以遠端控制某些功能。洛克希德馬丁表示,F-35 是一款設計精密且昂貴的戰機,因此在內部安置任何遠端關閉功能的設計都會造成無謂成本上升。 此外軍售 F-35 到外國必須附帶後勤相關服務,因此美國政府若真的要讓某個 F-35 採購國喪失操作能力,只要下令禁止洛克希德馬丁繼續提供後勤支援就能達到同樣效果。雖然這沒有如同歐洲媒體宣揚的「開關」那麼快速,但就如伊朗的 F-14 戰機一樣,這些美製戰機只要失去原廠後勤支援,仍然會逐漸失去作戰能力。2025 年 3 月 18 日五角大廈 F-35 聯合辦公室也正式發表聲明,表示 F-35 並沒有設計任何「開關」,能夠遠端關閉盟國採購的 F-35 戰機。 .America’s Allies Are Looking for the Kill SwitchA conspiracy theory about the F-35 fighter jet is a microcosm of Europe’s waning trust in the Trump administration. F-35.有KILL SWITCH.裝置極為可能性在空中自我解體? . This is Bloomberg Opinion Today, an increasingly unpredictable hegemon of Bloomberg Opinion’s opinions. On Sundays, we look at the major themes of the week past and how they will define the week ahead. Sign up for the daily newsletter here. Kill Switch isn’t the worst-rated movie in the history of Rotten Tomatoes; there are at least 100 contenders ahead of it. Nor is the worst-reviewed film centering on an evil corporate conspiracy — LL Cool J took care of that with the Rollerball sequel. It’s not even the worst-rated movie in which a pilot must save the day — Nicolas Cage took care of that with Left Behind. But given Kill Switch’s 9% favorable rating1 on the Tomatometer,2I assumed that the credited director, Tim Smit, was simply an alternative version of the pseudonym filmmakers use to disavow their own work, Alan Smithee. But it turns out he’s a real person. No hard feelings, Tim, I hope. . . Kill Switch: How the U.S. Can Shut Down Europe’s Military in an Instant..The “Kill Switch” is the hidden mechanism through which the U.S. retains control over military systems supplied to its allies. From F-35 fighter jets to HIMARS missile systems, Patriot air defenses, and even critical communications networks like Link 16, these systems can be remotely restricted or disabled by Washington. The recent example of the U.S. limiting Ukraine’s HIMARS range proves that even in active conflict, allies remain dependent on American approval. For Europe, this means that in a crisis – especially against a power like Russia – its ability to defend itself could be severely compromised. To achieve true Strategic Autonomy 2.0, Europe must not only develop independent defense capabilities but also ensure the freedom to act without U.S. permission. Introduction Recent statements and actions by U.S. President Donald Trump raise serious concerns about whether the U.S. will uphold Article 5 of the NATO Treaty. While this alone is alarming, it also raises a more unsettling question: could Europe find itself in a war against a country backed by the United States, potentially even Russia? This scenario may seem far-fetched, but it cannot be dismissed outright. After all, just a few years ago, few could have imagined that we would be facing the current geopolitical reality. This scenario raises a pressing question: To what extent is Europe’s military autonomy constrained by the very weapons and systems it has acquired from the U.S.; a constraint that Ukraine has painfully experienced firsthand. This article examines the “Kill Switch”: the embedded control mechanisms in U.S. military systems that can limit, disable, or even neutralize the military capabilities of American allies if they step out of line. I analyze which systems are affected, how they function, and what the military and strategic implications are for Europe. 1. The ‘Kill Switch’ in action: How the U.S. has used it before The idea that the U.S. could remotely limit or disable weapons systems it supplies to its allies is not theoretical: it has already happened. A striking example is the HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) supplied to Ukraine. The HIMARS system is capable of firing long-range ATACMS missiles, which would allow Ukraine to strike deep into Russian-held territory. However, when these systems were delivered, the U.S. deliberately disabled their full range, limiting Ukraine’s ability to use them offensively against targets beyond a certain distance. While publicly justified as a way to avoid escalating the conflict, this action demonstrated that the U.S. retains control over how its weapons are used, even after transfer to an ally. This is not an isolated case. The U.S. has historically imposed software locks, geofencing, and supply-chain dependencies on various weapons systems, ensuring that they remain under Washington’s control. The question for Europe is: what happens if the U.S. decides to apply similar restrictions – or worse, a full shutdown – on European forces? 2. U.S. Military Systems with Embedded Control Mechanisms The European military landscape is deeply intertwined with U.S. technology, from fighter jets to missile defense systems and digital infrastructure. Below are some of the most critical systems that could be restricted or disabled in a crisis. a. Fighter Aircraft and Drones
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( 時事評論|國防軍事 ) |