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2008/05/16 16:18:28瀏覽448|回應2|推薦3 | |
Recently I feel upset not only due to feeling longness but also the frustration from career. Job, for me, is not just a job to have income, but a career to have self-fulfillment. I have been spending days and nights to develop the business but no physical incentive from my company. That is biggest part I feel frustrated and confused again. Do I lose my way to success? Yes, I do. Do I lose the one I love? Yes, I do. Do I lose the family time I should spend with? Yes, I do. Can I cry? I almost forgot last time it did really impact on me. 以下為我近年很喜歡的布布的片尾曲-滅絕希望的世界.
(厭惡布布者勿看. 因為要你們打開心胸去接受其他文化是不可能的任務). 內容主要在敘述. 當武林精神領袖素還真戰死沙場後. 中原群俠無法對付強大的吸血鬼而被個個擊破. 紛紛去世. 而其間三十年內吸血鬼一族將統治整個大地. 世界不再有陽光. 正當如此勢不可擋之際. 一代高僧-佛劍分說正設法回到未來. 改變過去. 讓素還真逆轉天命. 再度復活. 喜歡的原因: 此片尾曲結合東西方神話元素. 配合未來過去的錯亂時間背景. 不僅有創意. 也有功力. |
( 心情隨筆|男女話題 ) |