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2015/12/09 19:20:49瀏覽1494|回應9|推薦115 | |
2015 島嶼之美 穆仙弦
黑岩質的宇宙 圍成了荒涼深邃的山谷 蔚藍的地球湧動著 是谷底小小淺淺的湖 湖上,幾千幾萬隻白馬紛紛 涉水而過 從那一旁默默緊盯著的 鱷魚之眼前 游過
再看一眼吧,這樣的美恐將不復見 氣候已亂,大旱來了 數百萬公噸的碳飄蕩在空中 那是死去的森林,化成前來索命的魂 滿溢的海水四處氾濫 那是消瘦的冰山,湧出正在逆襲的魄 終有一天,舉目盡是沙漠 白馬群滅絕 只剩下鱷魚的屍骸 被火毒的烈陽曬得乾裂
到那時候 關於領土、國籍、史觀的爭議 關於低薪、炒房和食安問題 階級特權或為富不仁什麼的 都像一縷白煙飄散 全是諸神俯瞰的一剎那 蝸牛角上的事
暫且拋開那些惱人的事吧 此刻,如諸神一樣淡定 只要靜靜,靜靜的凝望 這純淨的大自然之美
如果地球暖化...台灣哪些地方會泡在水裡? http://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201511090369-1.aspx
Good morning, yesterday You wake up and time has slipped away And suddenly it's hard to find The memories you left behind Remember, do you remember?
The laughter and the tears The shadows of misty yesteryears The good times and the bad you've seen And all the others in between Remember, do you remember The times of your life? (do you remember?)
Reach back for the joy and the sorrow Put them away in your mind The memories are time that you borrow To spend when you get to tomorrow
Here comes the saddest part (comes the saddest part) The seasons are passing one by one So gather moments while you may Collect the dreams you dream today Remember, will you remember The times of your life?
Gather moments while you may Collect the dreams you dream today Remember, will you remember The times of your life? Of your life Of your life Do you remember, baby Do you remember the times of your life?
( 創作|詩詞 ) |