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2012/11/21 12:41:59瀏覽694|回應0|推薦2 | |
Marissa Mayer新官上任要給雅虎新方向 閱讀暖身 Marissa Mayer從Google跳槽至雅虎已超過100天,大力闊斧地改革雅虎,不僅刪節不必要的人力,更積極挖角整頓經營團隊。在Mayer上任之後的首次財報,結果出乎市場預期的好,而她也宣示將專注行動領域,更讓外界對雅虎前景有更多樂觀期許。 進入本文之前,請先想想以下單字: (A) 訣竅 / (B) 貨真價實的 / (C) 入口網站 If anyone can manage the high-wire act of turning around a company and caring for a newborn, it is Marissa Mayer. Mayer brings with her a passion for products, a (A) knack for talent development, and (B) bona fide tech (1)cred. 如果有一個高手,可以同時掌控並重整複雜度極高的公司及迎接新生兒的誕生,那個人必定就是 Marissa Mayer。她擁有的不僅是對工作的熱情,研發上的訣竅,更是實至名歸的聲望。 Marissa Mayer became the CEO of Yahoo in mid-July. At first Mayer had no plan to leave Google. But when Spencer Stuart recruiter Jim Citrin called last June, she agreed to meet with the directors. She told them that Yahoo's products need to become "more innovative and delightful." The board promised her (2)free rein to shake up the organization and time to prove herself. In less than a month she was Yahoo's new chief. 今年7月中Marissa Mayer成為雅虎新任執行長。這並不在她先前的計劃裡。這一切始於獵才公司Spencer Stuart 的招聘人員 Jim Citrin所撥的一通電話。在電話裡,Mayer答應與Yahoo的董事會面;並告訴他們雅虎的產品需要變得更創新、更前衛。董事會放手讓她整頓雅虎。在不到一個月內,她正式接手雅虎執行長職位。 The new CEO is also (3)on the hook to address Yahoo's declining share in search, which brings in about a third of Yahoo's revenue. While the partnership with Microsoft has been strained, Mayer told the board that it was smart to outsource the costly infrastructure management. 這位新任執行長試圖挽救佔雅虎全體營收1/3卻持續下滑的搜尋引擎股市。雅虎與微軟的合作關係,因Mayer的上任而緊張,但Mayer 卻告訴董事會將耗費成本的後台管理做外包是聰明的作法。 |
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