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2012/10/19 10:47:18瀏覽1162|回應0|推薦1 | |
Top 10 Jobs in 2020(世界公民College電子報本週主題)
閱讀暖身 全球經濟不景氣,失業率也持續攀升,如何規畫未來職涯是每個上班族的課題,當然要精準測知未來職場變化並非易事。以下是國外網站精選2020年十大職業,希望能幫助大學生、社會新鮮人及想擴充職能的上班族找到自己志趣。 進入本文前,請先思考以下單字: The most successful people tend to be (A)lifelong learners who develop new skills long after they graduate from college or complete a training program. In fact, building multiple skill sets can be a terrific way to differentiate yourself in a cluttered job market. The most lasting skills are often those that can be transferred from one field to another, as the world economy (B)ebbs and flows. But you have to anchor your career somewhere, so here are 10 fields that are likely to flourish in 2020. 那些最成功人士都是終生學習者,從大學畢業或是完成職訓之後,仍積極開發新職場技能。事實上在全球經濟起伏不定的當下,擁有多樣化技能讓你在紛亂的就業市場上建立價值。只是首先你必須先確定自己的工作志向,接著在參考2020年10大前景看好的職業。 1. Data crunching. 2. Counseling and therapy.
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