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2012/08/24 12:00:04瀏覽4541|回應0|推薦3 | |
(世界公民College電子報本週新文)你是領導者嗎?企業欣賞的是那種指點江山、揮斥方遒的領導者嗎?這篇短小精悍的文章,是職場升遷必讀,其中靈活的商業英語用字,請多讀幾遍,銘記在心。在閱讀文章前先想想這些字的英文怎麼說: (A.)夢寐以求 (B.)嶄露頭角 (C.)磨練 You want to (1.)get to the top, yet you are (2.)at a loss. Your appraisals are consistently excellent and your track record does not show any (3.)run-ins with management. Yet you do not seem able to land a (A.)plum assignment. Why? What should you do to move from good to better? 應該要得到的升遷,卻遲遲未發生?你完全不懂發生什麼事,明明考核都是優等,和上司、同事都合作無間,但就是無法得到夢寐以求的工作。為什麼?到底要怎麼做才能從好,到更好? If you want to lose weight, exercising and following a diet will prove more effective than exercising or following a diet alone. Similarly, (B.)budding leaders may need to develop skills that complement what they already do best(*). Tech adepts should not dig even deeper in technology; it won’t get them (4.)nearly as far as developing communication skills, simply because the latter one makes their expertise more apparent and more accessible. 假如你想減肥,運動和飲食雙管齊下,比只做一件事有效;同樣,想嶄露頭角的領導人要開發的,應該是能讓你現有專業技術更上一層樓的能力。以科技人來說,需要的不再只是鑽研更深的技術,而是要會「溝通」,就算技術能帶給你好處,但卻遠不及你有良好的溝通技巧—它能讓你的專業知識更加明顯,也更容易被接受。 |
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