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迪士尼的野心 開創星際大戰新傳奇
2012/12/21 10:21:19瀏覽763|回應0|推薦3
迪士尼的野心 開創星際大戰新傳奇
Disney's New Ambition:Create a New Star Wars Era


近來星際大戰粉絲圈裡頭討論熱烈的話題-迪士尼宣布買下盧卡斯影業,並且宣布星際大戰新電影將於2015年上映,也讓世人再次見證迪士尼執行長 Bob Iger 拓展娛樂事業的野心。


(A) 綜效 / (B) 驚人的 / (C) 親自挑選的

After acquiring Lucas Film, Disney's plan to revive the long-running Star Wars saga could be far more ambitious than first thought. This follows reports that the studio is planning two to three new movies every year. Star Wars fans are getting worried about seeing Mickey Mouse with a blade on the big screen.


But what all those who have (1) chimed in on the deal don't get, is that Disney is the only company out there that understands how to keep the Millennium Falcon from crashing into Space Mountain.


The secret of Disney's success with its acquisitions of ESPN, Pixar and Marvel has been to let each company's unique culture stay that way, without too much forced (A) synergy coming from the top.


Aquiring CEOs always talk this way, but in Iger's case there is actual precedent. ESPN's employees don’t have chairs with round ears cutout, and no one wears Disney gear.


Under Iger, Disney seems to have perfected the formula. This year's "Avengers," which brought together the cast of various Marvel comic movies, shows the extent to which this is true. The film has been a (B) phenomenal success on its own.

Iger 執掌的迪士尼似乎已經精通這種併購方程式,今年取得驚人成功的電影「復仇者聯盟」就能證明。

Since Iger took over from Michael Eisner after a messy governance struggle in 2005, he has pulled Disney (2) out of the rut it was stuck in. Iger greatly increased capital spending during the recession as rivals retrenched.

2005年伊格爾從陷入掙扎的 Michael Eisner手中接下執行長大位後,伊格爾帶領迪士尼走出低迷。此外,在不景氣的年代,當對手們紛行撙節政策時,伊格爾卻大幅增加資本開支。


( 知識學習語言 )
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