英文教學裡,有一方法,叫做"paraphrase",意思是「重新敘述」。 我叫它做,「找到另一種說法」,它是讓英文進步的利器。假如,你不熟「我不會辜負你的期望」(I won't fail you.),說成"I won't let you down"也可以。
很多學生都告訴我,他覺得自己的句子不是對或錯的問題,而是好不好的差別。英文從好到更好,paraphrase是教學關鍵。越短的句子,越不容易paraphrase。 來看一些例子:
1. 我全力支持你。 原句: I will fully support you. 改述: I'll back you up all the way.
2. 我好累。 原句: I'm too tired. 改述: I'm beat.
3. 不要敷衍我。 原句: Don't ignore what I said. 改述: Don't brush me off.
4. 我不相信你。 原句: I don't believe you. 改述: I don't buy your story.
5. 他的話很有力量。 原句: His speech is very influential. 改述: His words carry a lot of weight.
6. 他想占我便宜。 原句: He is trying to take advantage from me. 改述: He is trying to cash in on me.
7. 我有什麼好處? 原句: What's my share? /What's my benefit? 改述: "What's my cut?" /What's in it for me?
8. 你終於打破了僵局。 原句: You finally broke through. 改述: You finally broke the ice.
9. 有什麼條件? 原句: What's the condition? 改述: What's the catch?
10. 不要來打擾我,可以嗎? 原句: Don't interrupt me. 改述: Why don't you get off my back?
很多英文為母語的老外,不會幫學生做paraphrase。有些老外英文溝通彼此懂得即可,耳朵敏感,無法細分差異;還有些老外無法這麼全神貫注去比對語言結構的不同,要經過訓練才能過幫學生"paraphrase"。 歡迎點此閱讀更多當期內容