講話老外聽不懂?可能是英文錯了自己也不知道 。以下句子請試著改正。
- Don’t make the office out of order. 不要使辦公室沒有秩序。
- The steak I have ordered is soft. 我點的牛排很嫩。
- He has a wide shoulder. 他肩膀很寬 。
- The guarantee period of the product has not expired yet. 這產品的保固期還沒有過期。
- How to make a friendly user operating system? 如何製造人性化的作業系統?
Debug Answer
- Don’t leave the office in a mess. Out of order是故障的意思。mess才是混亂、沒有秩序的意思。mess和mess up有一點不同。The place is such a mess. 這地方一團亂。mess up有弄髒、弄糟的意思。They had managed to mess up the whole office.他們設法搞砸整個辦公室。
- The steak I have ordered is tender. Tender才是形容牛排的嫩。 soft 是柔軟的意思,形容物品摸起來或聽起來的觸感。Her voice sounds soft. 她聲音聽起來很柔軟。The sofa feels soft. 這沙發摸起來很軟。
- He has broad shoulders. 形容寬的肩膀要用 have broad shoulders. She has broad shoulders because she exercises and lifts weights. 她有寬肩膀是因為她鍛鍊和舉重。Wide是寬沒有錯,但是是形容經過測量後的寬度 a wide space. 寬廣的空間。
- The warranty period of the product has not expired. Guaranty 是保證沒有錯,但是英文的保固期有固定說法“warranty” or “warranty period”。例如: New car sales typically include a factory warranty which guarantees against the malfunction of the car for a certain time period. 新車銷售通常包括原廠維修保證期間,以防止車的故障。
- How to make a user-friendly operating system? user-friendly人性化的,方便操作的使用功能。 People believe that a great design can also be functional and user-friendly. 人們相信好的設計可以是具有功能性的並且人性化。
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