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I was scared silly 嚇傻了
2013/09/19 13:47:30瀏覽253|回應0|推薦0

2013/02/08 13:53  今天在家裡碰到一個小偷。  我至今驚魂未定。 

最可怕是案發跟小偷對峙當時就開始播求救電話 , 打了三次 911才打通。  911 電話一直響卻沒有人接聽 我還以為電話線被剪斷了。從 911 電話轉接到 police department 時又響了4分鐘,  等到不耐煩, 我就先掛斷 police department 電找老公求援;  這時警察才回播了解我的情形, 並遞派警察。 

警察在通話後兩分中內到達。  這時從事發到警察到達,  已經過了20分鐘了。  到了這個時候 已經有第三家報案了,  情況跟我的狀況相像( 墨裔男性、 無武裝)。  這些是從警察的對講機中陸陸續續轉撥出來的。  感謝 Mr. Markes 一直留在我家面前戒護,  預防小偷再回來我家。

Police search ends, one man in custody after burglaries
By John Ames -

TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -

Police have ended the search of a Midtown residence, which began after four homes in the neighborhood were burglarized.

One suspect is in custody. Police were acting on information from this suspect that there may have been other suspects involved, but no one else was found.

SWAT personnel were called to the residence in the 2800 block of North Torino Avenue near East Glenn Street and North Swan Road because the home's owner said there were weapons in the home.

The incident began at about 1:30 when police were investigating a burglary report. A woman began yelling that her home was being burglarized.

Copyright 2013 Tucson News Now All rights reserved.

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