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2010/12/20 16:25:36瀏覽815|回應0|推薦3

Eric是GE的顧問,GE擁有世界上最好的leadership training program,把這篇留下來,以便時時提醒自己...




JF Kennedy’s quote “Some people see things and ask “Why?”…I am one of those people who see things and ask “Why not?”

-          Success and Confidence are Contagious….they spread from leader to teams very quickly.

-          Never do anything vague…ask for specific goals & targets before you start any project.

-          Fight against conventional wisdom.

-          “Opportunity is everywhere and it is right now…you just have to look for it”

-          Everyone is Creative…you have to just explore and take the risk.

-          Never throw an Idea away….there are never bad ideas, it’s just bad timing. Store your ideas, make a reservoir of ideas and refer to them every now and then.

-          Ideas are like Zombies…they never die.

-          TRAIN your BRAIN.

-          Day dreaming is good, take a couple minutes every now and then and “Think”.

-          If you can imagine and picture your end “goal”…you can do it.

-          Ideas are important but Execution is everything.

-          If you are afraid of something, just do it…the more you do it, the better you become.

-          Learn how to “self-promote”…. When you are pitching your ideas, you are also pitching yourself.

-          If you bring a problem to your boss, also bring a bunch of solutions along with it as potential problem solvers.

-          When talking to your boss, think of what “they” need.

-          Difference between Good Managers and Great Managers: “Good Managers have direct reports, Great Managers have Followers”. If they don’t have followers, they walk alone with HR Oracle.

-          As a team leader, you are only as good as the weakest player in your team.

-          Never Give Up….”People don’t Fail, they just give up trying”


-          “Be Comfortable in Uncomfortable situations”

-          Always take a P.O.V approach: Point of View….Try to see a situation from other person’s “Point of View” [8 blind men on an Elephant story…each one thought Elephant was something else and each one was right from their POV]

-          If you want to do a job quickly…Go alone. But if you want to get an everlasting impact of a job…Go Together with your team

Wednesday we had a session on Executive Stamina with an external coach. 

-          “You can’t win the tour-de-France in 1st week of the race, but you can’t lose it either”

-          Executives have to be a Marathon race runner [Endurance] and 100m Sprinter [High Energy] at the same time.

-          Law of “MINIMUMS”…There is a HUGE difference between doing “Nothing” and doing “something” even if it is small…essentially set your MINIMUMS and just do it.

-          If you don’t have a plan to manage your stress, your stress will start managing you.

-          No. 1 remedy for stress management from Scientific research is…FITNESS or EXERCISE.

-          Combine Fitness exercise with something you love….News, Reality show, Favorite TV show, etc

-          SELF TALK will allow you to have Executive Maturity.

-          Whenever you are say YES to something you are saying NO to something else, because you have fixed amount of time.

-          We train people on how to treat us.

-          Delegation is also Empowerment of your team.


Thursday we had a session on Storytelling with an external coach. Storytelling is equivalent to our pitches for our businesses. 

-          A leader is a dealer in Faith.

-          To be human is to have your story. A story attaches to your brain from different angles. The chances are you will remember a story for a long long time, vs. a PPT pitch.

-          Watch the Martin Luther King Speech on U tube: “I have a dream…”

-          There is no limit to what you can accomplish, as long as you don’t worry about who gets the credit.

-          Great Leaders are always very HUMBLE and very GENEROUS. They are TRUTHFUL and TRUSTWORTHY

-          Don’t let the PPT do the presentation for you…it’s not a TELEPROMPTER. It’s just a prop to support your story.


Friday we had a session on Leadership with West Point Instructor Colonel Eric Kail. He is one of the best instructors at West Point US Military Academy: Here are a few quotes from Eric:

-          VUCA: New Mantra of Leadership.

-          VUCA stands for: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity….Modern day leaders are expected to lead in a VUCA situations all the time. Ref: Iraq War.

-           Never take a job you are not willing to pay the price for something that goes horribly wrong.

-          “Go ahead and tell me you can’t do something….and I will find 2 or 3 ways of doing it”

-          There is a difference between “Listening” and “Waiting to talk”.


John Rice session on Friday was also very impressive. Here are a few quotes from John:

-          The test of leadership is when you can get stuff done regardless of who reports to who.

-          Leaders create their own energy…don’t be afraid to spread your wings, your success in GE will depend on how good are your people.

-          Headquarters is only a mailing address…always understand what is happening with the customers and the field staff.

-          Greatest Learning: 1) Deal with complexity and ambiguity 2) Change is constant 3) Execute with humility.


Saturday we went to the West Point Academy and met one of the Lady Colonels who had climbed Mt. Everest 3 times. Here are a few quotes from Alison:

-          Whenever you have BIG intimidating goals, break them down into small pieces….you will amazed at your progress !

-          Don’t let fear stop you from accomplishing your dreams…ask the question “Why not?”

-          Tolerate Failure….The only way you will succeed is by TRYING and FAILING. Those who never fail, don’t try new things.

-          “Rise to a new challenge” There will always be New mountains to climb in life…you just have to find them.

-          Your ATTITUDE will decide your ALTITUDE in life.

-          Finally success is all about the lessons learnt during the journey, not so much about the summit top [the Mt. Everest summit is size of a table top !]


Overall, Week 1 was a terrific week….I will send you week 2 and week 3 in separate emails so that you don’t get bored. The speakers were just amazing and very inspiring !

 Training program


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