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2012/05/13 11:34:43瀏覽439|回應1|推薦37 | |
華府書友會五月份演講 王瑞博士主講
「歐洲的藝術歌曲」 《華府書友會 - 5/11/2012新聞稿》 歐洲的藝術歌曲(古典歌曲)是簡短的、鋼琴伴奏的獨唱,它需要專業性的聲音,或至少是有聲樂訓練過的歌喉。18世紀後期歐洲的藝術歌曲,曲風藝向已轉離意大利歌劇的複雜性、技巧度及名家演唱的傳統,而朝著更本土的北方風格,有時使用德語的故事和民歌以激潤靈感。1815年到1900年左右,在講德語的歐洲,藝術歌曲的發展已臻極至。 華府書友會五月份的演講中,講者Dr. Ray Squitieri(王瑞博士)將以17世紀一個意大利藝術歌曲的例子為開場白,然後講到藝術歌曲之王佛郎兹·舒伯特(Franz Schubert,1797-1828)的藝術歌曲。在舒伯特短暫但閃閃發光的一生中,他完成了六首交響曲、600多首歌曲,多數都是最優質的藝術精曲。舒氏能將簡單的歌曲轉化成經典的藝術傑作,曲曲動人,曲韻通幽,直接觸動聽眾內心的純潔世界。舒伯特的重要繼任者有:羅伯特·舒曼(Robert Schumann)、強漢尼斯·勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms)、雨果·沃爾夫(Hugo Wolf)、高斯塔夫·馬勒(Gustav Mahler) 等。本次講座也將包括這些名家的曲目,以及法國、英國和美國的藝術歌曲,王博士並會指引華府的觀眾學習如何欣賞和解析歐洲的藝術歌曲。 講題:「歐洲的藝術歌曲」 講者:Dr. Ray Squitieri(王瑞博士) 時間:2012年5月19日(星期六)下午1:30至4:00 地點:Twinbrook Library (202 Meadow Hall Drive, Rockville, MD 20851) 聯络:金大俠(chin8673@yahoo.com,703-291-4201)或李海崙(wclsweb@gmail.com) 講者簡歷:Dr. Ray Squitieri是台灣女婿,有個中文名字:王瑞。王瑞博士擁有哈佛大學歷史和文學學位及斯坦福大學經濟學博士學位,興趣却在聲樂。學生時代他就加入哈佛合唱團(哈佛)和紀念教堂合唱團(斯坦福),都是擔任主唱。44歲時,他隨聲樂名師大衛·布萊克本(David Blackburn)學習聲樂10年;隨後,在華府的穆里爾·馮·唯樂思(Muriel von Villas)和喬治·匹奇(George Peachey) 指導聲樂。他也曾在大華府地區的幾個歌劇中演出,如:國際歌劇的波希米亞人(La Boheme with Opera International)、費加羅的婚姻(Marriage of Figaro)、及沙漠之歌(The Desert Song),並在納奇茲密西西比歌劇節(the Natchez Mississippi Opera Festival)中參與唐·喬瓦尼(Don Giovanni)、卡門(Carmen)、霍夫曼的故事(Tales of Hoffman) 等歌劇的演出。2001-2005年,他是切維蔡斯長老教會(Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church)低音部主唱、獨奏,目前在奧謝爾終身學習研究所(Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, OLLI)教授兩門課:「歌、歌劇、音樂劇中的唱聲」和「意大利聲樂傳統」。 每月第三個星期六下午固定舉行一次藝文聚會的華府書友會,其宗旨是:以藝靜心、以文會友,一月一次的書友藝文聚會,為華府友好提供知識的、文化的、藝術的、文學的心靈盛宴。華府書友會「書卷頻開饗心靈,友朋偶聚享藝文。」目前的執行團隊是會長(或正業不務):金大俠、副會長(或業務):李海崙、秘書長(或雜務):李成蕊、會藉長(或總務):LV、財務長(或財務):黄秉驥、顧問:張純瑛、洪越碧;在老幹新枝的團隊組合下,期能為華府的舊雨新知提供耳目一新的心靈滌濾、精神提升,更祈盼會員、會友、同好們共襄盛會,隨時提供建言,華府書友會網址:www.freewebs.com/wcls Speaker: Dr. Ray Squitieri Speech Title: European Art Songs European classical songs, or art songs, are brief solo vocal pieces with piano accompaniment, generally requiring professional-level voices, or at least singers with technical vocal training. The art song emerged in the late 18th century, as tastes turned away from the artifice and complexity of Italian opera, and the virtuosic singing that it showcased, and toward a more home-grown northern style, sometimes using German-language stories and folk songs for their inspiration. The art song reached its greatest development in German-speaking Europe from 1815 to around 1900. Our discussion will begin with an example of a 17th century Italian art song, then move to the lieder (songs) of Franz Schubert (1797-1828). In his tragically brief but incandescent life he wrote over 600 songs, many of the highest quality. Schubert took the simple song and turned it into high art--high art that still retained its appeal directly to the listener’s emotions. Schubert’s most important successors in the German tradition were Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Hugo Wolf, and Gustav Mahler. The lecture will include examples from these composers, as well as examples of French art songs, which tend to be atmospheric rather than narrative, and examples of English and American art songs About the Speaker: Dr. Ray Squitieri sang in the top-line choral groups as Harvard (Harvard Glee Club) and Stanford (Memorial Church Choir). Beginning at around age 44, he had studied voice for about 10 years with a first-rate teacher, David Blackburn, who had many professionals among his students, and many students who later became professionals. Ray also coached with Muriel von Villas and George Peachey in the DC area. He sang in several operas in the DC area (Marriage of Figaro, La Boheme with Opera International; The Desert Song with some group in Virginia), and at the Natchez Mississippi Opera Festival (Don Giovanni, Tales of Hoffman, Carmen, plus several musicals). And for 4 or 5 years, he was bass section leader and soloist with Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. He has now taught 2 courses at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), The Singing Voice in Opera, Musical, and Song (fall 2011) and The Italian Vocal Tradition (spring 2012). |
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