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2006/08/04 04:04:47瀏覽521|回應0|推薦1

Dear Members of the Information Rehabilitation Qigong Group Houston,


Due the likely-inclement weather, we would be better stay indoor this Saturday.  We are going to have a social function instead: Cantonese style tea party (tea breakfast) for members and member’s relatives and friends.  Please be prepared to share your experience as well.  We had heard plenty of interesting stories last week and will expect to hear a lot more.


Time:      , Saturday, December 10

Place:     Lucky Dragon Restaurant (In Chinese it sounds like "Lon Tsu Lo---Place of Dragon's Jewel")



10600 Bellaire Blvd., Suite 104-
108  (Map:

              (It's in the strip shopping next to Brown & Root, to the west of the Beltway 8.)


We will meet there regardless how many will come.  Please come early to pick where to sit!


Y'all have good qi!


Team captain

Jean Liao   Wu Wen-yen   Tsai Ah-Lim   Jimmy Yeh    Jerry Yang


( 科學百科 )
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