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2006/08/04 03:55:17瀏覽448|回應0|推薦1


June 4, 2006



Dear Class Members:

            The two-week break of our group exercise has induced enough urge for 12 class members to attend the meeting yesterday morning:  

           Jennifer Chou (周樺), David Kin (金惠民), Amy and Joseph Hsiao (蕭冠英│符黛妮), Tseng-ying Fan (范增瑩), Wen-Yen Wu (吳文琰), Jerry Yang ( 又徵), Bill  and Jenny Yang (陳津源 │楊位剛) Lily Chen (任瑞麗), Sunny and Eileen Lin (林三江│劉莉玲), and myself. After group Chi pick-up and exercise, experience exchange is the highlight of the meeting. Jennifer, Lin couple talked about using a combination of our Chi and Longevitology school to do self-healing and pain relief for a cowboy. Eileen’s “heating pad” is a manifestation of her breakthrough from cold limbs in practicing ChiKung; Tseng-ying reported her experience in using ChiKung to relieve his stomach discomfort during our CA trip; Joseph shared with us his massive rid of bad chi from his feet; Wen-Yen talked about his using combined chi practice to remove a lipoma and shoulder problem; Bill described his first sensation of Chi movement during his exercise; Lily stated her experience in increasing the efficacy of Chi by practice after physical exercise (similar effect was found by Wen-Yen after a hot shower); David made an effort to thread the effect of Tai Chi exercise with Chi movement. Jerry and Amy made quite a few comments and possible interpretations about the various phenomena observed in our class and were very helpful for us to understand the principal of ChiKung and the interrelationship among various ChiKung school.

            We will combine efforts from Jennifer and Wen-Yen to set up our new Web page, a city of our own for every member to interact, to post your information including photos, articles or simple comments. We reached consensus for the activity this week: a seminar by Wen-Yen Wu for “The Grand Trip Westward” including slide show and narrations in the first hour and “Web page setup” for Jennifer Chu to help every class member to sign up as citizen and we also make decision about the content of the Web. Time: June 10 (Saturday), 3:00 – 5:00 pm. Place: Joseph Auto (Library), 9903 Honeywell.

            Do me a favor, email me or call me to let me know if you will or will not show up.




Best regards,




Ah-lim Tsai


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