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2009/06/10 09:24:16瀏覽6880|回應9|推薦32 | |
引言 元智大學教授李克強老師來本校分享"快樂學習英語",分享許多英語學習和教學的觀念,包括"字根"的理解和應用,英語的聲音應用在英詩的朗讀,最後他謙稱在句子架構上,還沒有完全掌握理想的理論,也因為時間不足,所以粗淺的分享了"modifiers"---修飾語的觀念。 李教授拿一些長句子給現場的老師們念,結果很多老師在斷句位置都不同,李教授以此來告訴我們基層老師,一句話要是斷句停頓位置不對,表示文法觀念,句子結構解讀不同,但是名詞和它的修飾語,則是不可在中間作停頓。 雖然李教授的標題用的是"快樂學習",可是三個小時下來,我卻益發覺得英文的學習要建立在良好的基礎上,再配合適當的課外閱讀,才能有可觀的效果和的程度。李教授來不及說完的"修飾語"部分,學淺的雪人娘卻躍躍欲試,想就自己在教學上整理出來和名詞有關的修飾語,拿來分享給朋友,因此有了這一篇"後置形容詞"。 ************************************************** (壹) 形容詞的種類 (A) 後置形容詞 (B) 功用和例句
2. The weather in Africa is much hotter than that in Asia. 3. Clothes in department stores are usually more expensive than those in traditional 4. The weather last year was very strange. (去年的天氣) 5. The party yesterday was full of excitement and fun. (昨天的派對) 6. The people here are very friendly to foreigners. (這裡的人們)
EX: 2. The boy with long hair looks quite aritistic. (說明特徵的介係詞片語) 3. The girl in pink is very popular with boys. (說明穿著的介係詞片語) 4. We are talking about the book on the change of the climate. (說明有關的內容) 5. The weather in the morning is sometimes very humid and uncomfortable. (說明時間)
1. The teacher to be is still very shy. (表示未來的不定詞片語) 2. I have some ice cream to share with you. (表示目的的不定詞片語)
1. The singer talking on TV is my favorite. (說明動作的現在分詞片語) 2. The cup broken by my little brother was very expensive. (說明被動事件的過去分詞片語)
1. The man who is wearing a mask is having fun at the party. (說明特質或範圍的形容詞子句) 2. The reason why he was late sounds just like an excuse. (說明特質或範圍的形容詞子句) 3. I never saw a building which was designed by Mr. Han. (說明特質或範圍的形容詞子句) 4. This is the most modern building that I have ever seen in my life. (說明特質或範圍的形容詞子句) 5. I work in a junior high school where there are 4,000 students all together. 6. April Fool's Day, when people usually play jokes on others, is on April 1st. (VI) 特殊後置形容詞 N + alike, alive, awake, etc. 1. Last night I went fishing. I caught many fish alive. (活的魚) 2. We found the lion awake and we ran away. (醒著的) (補記) (壹) 口語表達 一般老師,只在文法結構上分析,常常忘記要交代孩子們說話時,要將名詞和後置形容詞一口氣說完,全民英檢要考朗讀句子,要回答問題,也要看圖書故事,希望這樣的分析對口語表達有所幫助! (貳) 國中常考合併句的應用 2. What is the man wearing white jeans worried about? |
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