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[國考大補帖]108 公務人員升官等公務薦任英文考題例題
2019/11/20 21:49:37瀏覽274|回應0|推薦0

To reduce the risk that someone might salvage embarrassing data from the USB flash drive you ditched, you can run a disk wipe utility to make sure that no data is left on the flash drive.


The Pope held a mass to address peace and reconcilation because the Korean Peninsula is divided.


The school has held a number of talks and workshops on the topic of peer support and peer respect to reinforce the idea of a bully-free campus.


It was quite a scene at the party that Jerry spoke sarcastically to Martin in every possible way trying to make a fool of him in front of the pretty woman they were both interested in.


The tendonitis in my wrists and shoulders starts to act up after I work on computer for long periods of time. It can be very painful.


Nowadays kids are playing sports more aggressively at younger ages; they are pushing their bodies to the limit, practicing sports too hard for too long.


The lexicon of oncology is filled with military metaphors: the war on cancer, aggressive tumors, magic bullets.


And although these are indeed only metaphors, they do reflect an underlying attitude--that it is the clinicians job to attack and destroy his patients tumor directly, with whatever weapons that come in handy.


As in real warfare, those weapons may be conventional, chemical or nuclear.


There is even talk of biological agents, in the form of viruses specifically tailored to seek out and eliminate their tumorous targets.


This is all well and good as strategies go.


But as Sun Tzu observed, the wisest general is not one who wins one hundred victories in one hundred battles, but rather one who overcomes the armies of his enemies without having to fight them himself.


And one way to do that is to get someone else to do your fighting for you.


That, in an oncological context, is where immunotherapy comes in.


Instead of attacking cancer directly, immunotherapy recruits a patients immune system to do the attacking.


The latest way of doing so is by removing the controls which keep the immune system in check during times of bodily peace, let it damage the person it is supposed to be protecting.


Now, as a series of papers presented in June 2013 to the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago shows, its range is being extended.


More effective versions are being brought to bear on melanoma.


The treatment of melanoma that started the ball rolling employed a particular drug called ipilimumab, a monoclonal antibody.


Ritchies Fabulae Faciles is a graded reader of made-up Latin stories, which the author Francis Ritchie wrote in order to give students additional practice before they began reading Julius Caesars Gallic War.

里奇(Ritchie)的Fabulae Faciles是一本針對拉丁故事的分級閱讀器,作者弗朗西斯·里奇(Francis Ritchie)撰寫該文章是為了讓學生在開始閱讀尤利烏斯·凱撒(Julius Caesar)的《高盧戰爭》(Galic War)之前獲得更多練習。

The text includes the myths of Perseus, Heracles, Jason and the Argonauts, and Ulysses; and the entire volume is divided into 100 sections of Latin, which are roughly a paragraph in length.


Although Ritchie assumes that readers know all five declensions, pronouns, and active and passive verbs from the beginning of the Perseus readings, he does not introduce the subjunctive mood until the middle of the Heracles selections or indirect discourse and ablative absolutes until Jason and the Argonauts.

儘管Ritchie假定讀者從英仙座閱讀開始就知道所有五個變位,代詞以及主動和被動動詞,但直到Jason和Argonauts到Heracles選集的中間或間接論述和燒蝕絕對之前,他才介紹虛擬語氣。 。

Ritchies purpose is to provide readers with an opportunity to master simple Latin grammar and morphology before they encounter more complex constructions in the later stories, and he does so while presenting students with an informative and thoroughly engaging storyline.


This Latin text was first published by Ritchie in 1884 in a volume called Fabulae Faciles: A First Latin Reader.

拉丁文字最早由里奇(Ritchie)於1884年出版,其卷名為Fabulae Faciles:第一個拉丁讀者。

In 1903, John Kirtland produced a revised edition of the book under the title Ritchies Fabulae Faciles: A First Latin Reader.

1903年,約翰·柯特蘭(John Kirtland)出版了該書的修訂版,標題為里奇(Ritchie)的《 Fabulae Faciles:第一個拉丁讀者》。

Kirtland modified Ritchies Latin text, added grammatical notes, and eliminated a section of drill exercises found in the original volume.


Kirtlands book remained the standard edition until 1991, when another revised volume was prepared by Gilbert Lawall, Stanley Iverson, and Allan Wooley, entitled Fabulae Graecae: A Revised Edition of Ritchies Fabulae Faciles.

Kirtland的書一直是標準版,直到1991年,吉爾伯特·拉沃爾(Gilbert Lawall),斯坦利·艾弗森(Stanley Iverson)和艾倫·伍利(Allan Wooley)編寫了另一卷修訂本,名為《 Fabulae Graecae:Ritchie Fabulae Faciles的修訂版》。

While the first two books are out of copyright and can be downloaded for free, the Fabulae Graecae remains available in paperback.

儘管前兩本書沒有版權,可以免費下載,但Fabulae Graecae仍為平裝本。

The aim of this current edition(2012) is to make Ritchies myths even more accessible to intermediate-level Latin readers.


Acknowledging that traditional passwords are no longer secure, some of the largest banks in the world are increasingly using voices, fingerprints, facial scans and other types of biometrics to safeguard bank accounts.


Through their mobile phones, millions of banking customers routinely use fingerprints to log into their bank accounts.


This feature, which some banks have introduced since the second decade of the 21st century, enables a huge share of banking customers to verify their identities with biometrics.


The move reflects deep concerns that so many hundreds of millions of email addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers and other personal identifiers have fallen into the hands of criminals, rendering those identifiers increasingly ineffective at protecting accounts.


"We believe the password is dying," said Tom Shaw, vice president for enterprise financial crimes management at USAA.


"We realized we have to get away from personal identification information because of the growing number of data breaches."


Long regarded as the stuff of science fiction, biometrics have been tested by big banks for decades, but have only recently become sufficiently accurate and cost effective to use on a large scale.


It has taken a great deal of trial and error: With many of the early prototypes, a facial scan could be foiled by bad lighting, and voice recognition could be scuttled by background noise or laryngitis.


Before smartphones became ubiquitous, there was another obstacle: To capture a finger image or scan an eyeball, a bank would have to pay to distribute the necessary technology to tens of millions of customers.


A few tried, but their efforts were costly and short-lived.


On top of all these, there is an even bigger problem: As criminals have found their ways to break the traditional banking passwords, they could eventually find ways to steal biometric data as well.

( 知識學習考試升學 )

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