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2020/03/26 11:27:25瀏覽1594|回應4|推薦5 | |
change.org看來是個網路平台,作為讓網友對人事物做請求或訴願的一種管道。 今天的聯合新聞網出現了 一篇報導,指稱一名加拿大網友在change.org發起連署要求WHO總幹事譚德賽辭職。 不過,按change.org的中、英文連署內容,在我看來,聯署發起人才不管WHO總幹事是譚德賽還是李德賽,台灣這麼好棒棒的國家應該為WHO的成員,這才是連署真正的本意吧? 到現在許多民眾仍需大排長龍買口罩,你相信其他國家會對什麼口罩地圖的高度讚揚或抱持興趣嗎? 台灣民眾對譚德賽的辭職做連署,不如對口罩酒精的需求作連署吧! 以下為聯合新聞網及change.org原內容: 加拿大網友Osuka Yip在Change.org發起連署,要求譚德塞辭職,連署書內容提到,譚德塞1月23日時拒絕將新冠肺炎列為「全球公共衛生緊急事件」,但短短五天內,感染和死亡人數就飆增十倍以上,認為這與譚德塞低估肺炎疫情有關,強烈認為譚德塞不適任WHO總幹事,呼籲譚德塞立即請辭。(https://udn.com/news/story/6656/4444321?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_index) On January 23rd, 2020. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declines to declare China virus outbreak as a global health emergency. As we all know, the Coronavirus is not treatable at the moment. The number of infected and deaths has risen more than ten times (infected from 800 - close to 10,000) within only 5 days. Part of it is related to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus underestimated the coronavirus. We strongly think Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is not fit for his role as WHO Director General. We call for the Immediate Resignation of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. A lot of us are really disappointed, we believe WHO is supposed to be political neutral. Without any investigation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus solely believes on the death and infected numbers that the Chinese government provided with them. On the other hand, Taiwan should not be excluded from WHO for any political reasons. Their technologies are far more advanced than some of the countries on the “selected WHO list”. Please help the world to gain faith to the UN and WHO again. 連署書上指出,譚德塞在1月23日時,拒絕將中國武漢肺炎列為「國際公共衛生緊急事件」,但事實上,此冠狀病毒至今並無治癒方式,且之後短短5天內,確診和死亡人數都增加逾10倍,比如確診數從800人陡增到超過1萬人,以及死亡人數超過350人等,這與譚德塞低估肺炎疫情有關,因此「我們強烈認為譚德塞不適合擔任WHO總幹事,呼籲譚德塞立即辭職」。 應該政治中立的WHO,譚德塞卻未經任何調查,直接採信中國政府提供的死亡和確診人數,讓許多人感到失望;此外,台灣的醫療技術比WHO上的部分國家來得進步,WHO不應出於任何政治因素,而將台灣排除在外。
( 時事評論|政治 ) |