Be sure your sin will find you out. —Numbers 32:23
淫、詭詐、謀殺,耶和華甚不喜悅(撒母耳記下 11 章 27 節),因此拿單揭露
而,大衛犯罪帶來的後果必永不離開他的家族(12 章 10 節)。
記 32 章 23 節)。應當回轉歸向上帝,不要隱藏,反倒要尋求祂的憐憫與饒恕
Collision Course
January 7, 2012 — by Dennis Fisher
My reflownd I were driving on an expressway when we saw a driver
turn left into a median turnaround that was intended for emergency
vehicles only. He was planning to make a U-turn and head back the
other way.
Looking to his right, the driver waited for an opening in oncoming
traffic, so he failed to notice that a police car was backing up
toward him on his left. Finally seeing an opening in traffic, the
U-turn driver pulled out and rammed into the back of the police car.
It 』 s not unusual for us to think we can get away with doing
something wrong. After King David committed adultery with Bathsheba,
he too was focused on 「 getting away with it. 」 But he was on a
collision course with Nathan. His adultery, deceit, and murder 「
displeased the Lord 」 (2 Sam. 11:27), so when Nathan exposed David 』
s grievous sin, the king was deeply remorseful. He confessed,
repented, and received God 』 s forgiveness. But the consequences of
his sin never departed from his household (12:10).
If you 』 ve been trying to get away with something, remember that
「 your sin will find you out 」 (Num. 32:23). Turn yourself in to
God. Don 』 t hide. Instead, seek His gracious forgiveness.
趕緊認罪,饒恕臨到。 Hess
God knows all you』ve thought or done—
From Him you cannot hide;
Confess to Him and He』ll forgive
Through Christ the crucified. —Hess
We have to face our sins before we can put them behind us.