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Thank you, Doc! (in English)
2011/11/29 12:48:57瀏覽453|回應1|推薦40

I’ve recovered from my injury – only one day after I posted C'mon, Doc! (http://blog.udn.com/celinetl65/5844623), which was amazing!

When I brushed my teeth in the morning just one day later, I heard a faint “crack” sound from my rib cage, and then – my chest pain vanished! It’s like the swelling part on my left chest just cured itself. Or not quite, it could because I did meditation and Ujayii breathing (a Yoga breathing) for several nights after I stopped taking the pain-killers my Doc prescribed me.

I am really grateful for that – Well, although I had to depend on myself rather than the medicine to cure my injury – I should still thank my Doc for causing me to do so.

However I did less Yoga than before cause my arm muscles were quite weak after a rest for longer than 2 weeks. But it’s all good – now I have done Yoga at home – saved me some $$ and the commuting time for doing Yoga in the classroom. And I can focus more on my favorite poses.

Thank you, Doc!

(Besides my Doc is a very hot brunette, which may help cause I have always thought positively when I was thinking of her… :-) ) 

( 在地生活紐澳 )
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Positive attitude definitely has better result!
2012/03/24 05:36
Take care!
Celine_百分之三百(celinetl65) 於 2012-03-24 14:48 回覆:

Yes - in a place like NZ where you can't depend on docs too much - we actually become healthier and stronger.
