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C’mon, Doc! (in English)
2011/11/16 17:14:07瀏覽572|回應2|推薦17

I strained my left chest muscles two weeks ago – after I showed a Yoga friend how to twist myself more in a pose – cause it’s an advanced pose that most people couldn’t do if their shoulders are not flexible enough. Then it happened, as I deserved it.  

I went to my Doc to ask for some “muscle relaxant” – I could get it easily from a pharmacy if I were in Taiwan. I thought I needed it cause otherwise it takes month(s) to recover. However the Doc disagreed and said – with disguise – “No, WE DON'T DO THAT”.

                                                                                                                                       Yes, I understand that the Docs here wouldn’t prescribe certain medicine which may have severe side effects. However for me I’ve never taken any medicine for long, and thus I thought it’s Ok if I just have some this time. I used to have antibiotics so frequently which negatively affected my health, I know. However injury is another thing. My health wouldn’t be any better if I stop exercising because of the injury. But I guessed it’s of no use to argue with your Doc anyway.

Then my Doc prescribed me a pain-killer instead. It’s another kind, rather than Panadol which my previous doc prescribed me when I had my 6th cold in the year of 2009 – of course I wouldn’t expect too much from it although it may cure my inflammatory muscles as that’s the theory.

So I took that pain pills for two days. Felt pretty drowsy and had to stop taking it. My chest still ached even when I coughed a bit – and it has been two weeks. I guessed we need to remain perfectly healthy in this country - the Doc only prescribes you pain killers for most of the time. It’s good for our health in the long run I know - cause we have basically got ourselves to depend on!

But… it’s really frustrating when I weighed myself on the electronic scale recently. I actually screamed last time when I was standing on that thing! I then told Pete who came see what’s happening that bloody scale was broken!

Oh I want to recover soon and go back to Yoga… so much... :-(

( 在地生活紐澳 )
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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
I wonder
2011/11/28 08:45

whether your yoga instructor has given any suggestion for your chest pain?

Celine_百分之三百(celinetl65) 於 2011-12-14 09:40 回覆:

Thanks for asking. No, actually she encouraged me to do the advanced version of that pose so... But it was my fault to show it to my friend before I warmed up!

My theropiest said my shoulder joint was mislocated so I need to be away from Yoga for at least one more week. :-(

Take Care
2011/11/18 03:16



Celine_百分之三百(celinetl65) 於 2011-11-18 17:08 回覆:
Thanks for your nice words. And... I've planned to do some Yoga poses tomorrow at home cause I can control it better. :-)