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2016/07/24 09:41:39瀏覽393|回應0|推薦20 | |
Winter Days & Fog Hsu ChiCheng Winter days have come Often together with the cold current The fog closely following behind Does cold current bring shivering? Does haziness bring a dim future? Don’t be afraid! It is not so Determined of your will Steady of your steps Go on forward! Forward Any obstacle shall make way and flee! Walk on even if limping Walk on even if exhausted Walk on even if misty and hazy At least advancement of the totality shall not be hindered It is already the 21st century!
Poems of the World Winter 2015-2016 Volume 20 #2
冬日·霧裡 許其正 冬日來了 它常常夥同寒流而來 霧也在後面緊緊跟隨 寒流來就發冷顫抖嗎? 霧濛濛就看不見前途嗎? 別怕! 沒這回事的 堅定意志 踏穩腳步 持續向前走吧! 向前走 什麼阻礙都得讓步逃走! 即使跛著腳也要走 即使多疲憊也要走 即使霧濛濛也要走 至少不能妨礙全體的前進 都已經走到廿一世紀了呢! |
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