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2015/08/13 10:15:53瀏覽382|回應0|推薦25 | |
詩的跨步境外(詩的英譯) 許其正主持 挖開一首詩 靈歌 挖開一首詩 像打開一扇門 裡面很深很深 門把掉了,關在裡面 卻很高興 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) Dig Out of a poem Linger Dig out of a poem Is just like opening a door It’s very deep inside The handle is lost, while it’s shut up I still feel very happy within (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 秋夕 潘峰進 花兒沒有嘴 可是會微笑 原來飛舞的蝴蝶,是 花兒的小嘴 蝴蝶翅膀搖呀搖^^ 花兒嘟嘴親了親楓樹 楓姑娘好害羞,滿葉子紅通通 夕陽以為楓兒愛上了他, 飛霞上了天邊,於是~~ 他把海水當做香檳, 醉倒在裡面。 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) The Evening of Autumn Pan Fong Jin There are no mouths for the flowers But they can smile So the dancing butterflies are The pretty mouths of the flowers The wings of the butterflies are flittering^^ The butterflies pout their mouths and kiss the maples How shy are maiden maples and blushes with blame over their leaves The afterglow deems that the maples have fallen in love with him The flying rosy clouds climb upward to the sky, and so~~ He serves the seawater as the champagne, And intoxicated to be dead drunk (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 菜園之歌 劉迅 一 舉起鋤頭掘菜畦 掘呀掘 磕著石股噴火星 跺著蚯蚓痛究究 菜股成坵等阮栽 二 不知是雨還是汗 阮ㄟ腳脊背 像水流賣離 鼻尖嘛擱撮撮滴 三 阮ㄟ小菜園 種著雜種菜 厝邊講阮是聯合國 阮某笑我心大愛虛華 四 那是說到照顧菜 阮是比人更勤苦ㄟ 澆水拔草施肥擱捉蟲 親像自己的子孫 相熱驚伊曝死 相濕煩惱伊會爛去 有時半瞑嘛來夢醒 保庇伊會一暝大一吋 五 挽菜ㄟ時到 就是阮心情激動ㄟ時候 看到滿籃ㄟ收成 攏是阮足大ㄟ安慰 嘛是全家伙同時感覺ㄟ 一種幸福 六 阮會繼續種阮ㄟ菜 唱阮ㄟ歌 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) The Song of the 1 Hold up the hoe to dig the farmland I dig and dig There spread the sparkles while knocking the stones And the earthworms feel very painful while chopping them The bands pile up plots waiting for my planting 2 Ignoring there is the rain or the sweat My backbone The water flowing unceasingly And even dripping down the nose tip 3 There are the mixed vegetables Planted in my small vegetable garden My neighbors said it’s UN My wife teased that I like vanity too much 4 I’m more diligent than any one As to take care of the vegetables Watering, uproot and weed out the rank grass, apply fertilizer and remove the insects I regard them as my descendants Afraid of their burning to death if it’s too hot Vex them may be rotten if too wet Sometimes awakened from the dream at midnight Earnestly hope that take under god’s shelter they may grow one inch each night 5 It’s the exciting time While plucking the vegetables It’s the most comfortable And also the happiness Of all our families While seeing the full basket of crops 6 I’ll successively plant my vegetables And sing my song (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 洗手間 邵紫甄 上課時 我被老師責罵 我肚子痛 到洗手間 將所有煩惱 通通沖掉 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) The Washing Room Siu Tsz Yan I was blamed by my teacher During the class As a little rest I was aching in stomach And went to the washing room Flushed away All the trouble (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng 遠眺 琹涵 在尼泊爾。 原本藍如寶石的天空,那天,雲來霧來,竟讓人看不真切。 我們在一片飄渺裡眺望,只見魚尾峰若隱若現,雖然有時清晰,有時卻無可觸摸。這般的變幻莫測,多麼像是一個夢。 大自然的美,無可比擬,有時讓人驚嘆,有時讓人屏氣凝神,有時則是滿心的感動。造物者何其神奇,給了我們這樣的厚禮。徜徉其間,我們的心靈受到了洗滌,可以學習,可以沉思,啟發也就多了。 山水花木,晨曦夕照,那樣的美麗,都帶給了我們永恆的悅樂。 (選自《華文現代詩》第三期) Look into the Distance Jean-Han At Originally, the sky are azure gem-like, both came the clouds and the fogs that day, let me vague in view. We look into the distance in the drifting scene, only Machapuchare can hardly be seen clearly, though sometimes clear and sometimes out of touch. What is it like a dream such an irregular change. The beauty of the nature can’t be compared to anything, sometimes let me exclaim in admiration, sometimes it makes me breathless, sometimes it moves me deeply. How strange the Creator, He presents me so big a gift. Lingering among there, my soul absorbs a cleansing. It can be learning, pondering and received more enlightenment. Mountains, water, flowers and trees, aurora and afterglow, so beautiful like that, all bring me the eternal happiness. (No.3 of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly) Translated by Hsu ChiCheng
2015/8/20 華文現代詩 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |