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2014/02/21 08:51:55瀏覽959|回應11|推薦57 | |
詩人許其正獲推薦為諾貝爾文學獎候選人 全心全力致力於文學創作,著有成就,詩人許其正獲國際詩歌翻譯研究中心推薦,角逐今年諾貝爾文學獎。 在中國重慶和美國俄亥俄兩地註冊的「世界詩人」季刊,是一本以世界主要國家語文 印行的詩刊。本月8日出版的刊物中,該刊登載了一篇中英對照致諾貝爾文學獎評審委員會的推薦函。該函是由該研究中心的主 詩人許其正,1939年生於屏東縣,寫作已超過50年,以新詩與散文為主,兼及詩歌翻譯。五十餘年來,他已出版了12本重要的詩集(其中5本為中英對照、2本為中希對照、1本為中蒙對照、1本為中英日對照)、8本散文集,以及2本翻譯詩集。他的詩,曾先後被譯成英文、日文、希臘文、斯拉夫-蒙古文、希伯來文、俄文、法文、羅馬尼 亞文、葡萄牙文等多種外國文字,流布於世界各國,並榮獲國內外多種文學獎,可以 說是一位享有國際性聲譽的卓越詩人,該詩歌翻譯研究中心遂予以推薦。
諾貝爾文學獎評審委員會: 我們非常榮幸地向貴評審委員會推薦來自臺灣的 傑出的詩人總會著力經營自己的藝術風格,並充分展示自己的藝術風格。在數十年的 文學創作生涯中, 毫無疑問,他已在深刻的人生思辨與精湛的藝術技巧基礎之上,建立起自己獨特的價值體系。這決定了 基於此,我們毫不猶豫地推薦 最後,我們懇請尊敬的評委們,考慮將偉大的諾貝爾文學獎,授予當代傑出的中國詩人 謹致以最深的敬意! 國際詩歌翻譯研究中心主席 張 智 博士 中國天津 中國寧波大學教授 楊成虎 博士 西元 Letter of Recommendation to the Appraisal Committee of Nobel Prize in Literature Appraisal Committee of Nobel Prize in Literature, We feel that it is our great honor to recommend to you Dr. Hsu Chicheng, who is from Dr. Hsu Chicheng is a distinguished poet, writer, and translator in contemporary A distinguished poet carefully nurtures his artistic style, and tries to exhibit his artistic style. In decades of literary creation, Dr. Hsu Chicheng, by dint of his pure, lofty, compassionate, courageous heart, has produced a host of excellent pieces which are natural yet massive, simple yet profound, and full of life-force. The poet praises his native soil, pastoral life, and the great nature; he sings love and friendship; he calls for peace in the world; and in describing the flourishing and withering of hills and rills, trees and grasses, as well as the passage of time, he exhibits the pain and beauty of life. At the same time, Hsu is in step with the epoch and he faces up to human life as he penetrates the hopeless deterioration of human existence by expressing his inner rage, shout and protest in his poems. Poems by Dr. Hsu Chicheng, we believe, are broad in vision, uncommon in imagination, rich in feeling, balanced in allocation of images, succinct and limpid in wording and phrasing, so much so that they are both rural and modern, quite Hellenic, and not without a breath of modernism and strong artistic appeal. His works have been translated into many languages, including English, Japanese, Greek, Slavic-Mongolian, Hebrew, Russian, French, Romanian, and Portuguese, to be shared by readers throughout the world, and he has won many literary honors and prizes. It is safe to say that Dr. Hsu Chicheng is an excellent poet of international fame. Without any doubt, Dr. Hsu Chicheng has established his own system of value on the basis of his profound thought on human life and consummate artistic skills, which defines him as a poet of outstanding artistic achievement who, as a distinguished Chinese poet, merits our praise and deserves our further study. Therefore, we do not hesitate to recommend Dr. Hsu Chicheng as candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature. And we are honored to know that Dr. Hsu Chicheng now lives in At last, please give your consideration to award the great Nobel Prize in Literature to Dr. Hsu Chicheng, a distinguished poet in contemporary Dr. Zhang Zhi (poet, critic, scholar), Dr. Zhang Zhizhong (poet, translator, scholar), Dr. Yang Chenghu (poet, translator, scholar), October 18, 2013 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |