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2010/02/12 02:50:12瀏覽3787|回應1|推薦15 | |
老公是俄國長大的, 從他那裡學了三道俄國菜. 一道是湯, 二道是沙拉(請見甜菜頭沙拉之一及甜菜頭沙拉之二). 三道都必須用到甜菜頭(beet)... 材料: 作法: 2. 洋葱, 紅蘿蔔及馬鈴薯切丁. 3. 將洋葱用中火或小火炒到有點變色變軟, 加入其它蔬菜丁,翻炒一下. 4. 此時, 將步驟1的甜菜頭撈一些(看你喜歡多少)起來, 切成小塊或小條, 加入鍋中. 我也會加入幾顆蒜頭及胡椒粒到湯中一起煮. 5. 撈幾大匙煮甜菜頭的水(甜菜頭汁)加入湯鍋中, 和所有蔬菜一起煮(小火). 6. 加入滾水到剩下的甜菜頭中, 繼續煮直到甜菜頭熟透. (可以一直重覆步驟5及6, 直到湯的份量是你滿意的量為止, 不過要注意的是, 當湯不再是紫紅色的時候, 就表示甜菜頭汁已經被榨的差不多了). 煮熟後的甜菜頭撈起, 放涼後可用來做甜菜頭沙拉. 7. 先試一下鹹度再決定加不加鹽(因為之前的甜菜頭汁已經是鹹的了),小火繼續煮到高麗菜軟為止. 記得不要讓湯滾太久, 因為湯會褪色. 就算吃不完, 要再熱剩下的湯時, 最好也是一滾就關火. 如果知道會滾好幾次才吃的完, 建議煮好放涼後, 可先裝到容器裡冰起來, 每次只要熱你想吃的份量即可. 8. 要吃的時候可以放一小匙酸奶在湯裡. 我先生很喜歡, 不過我試過後卻無法接受它的味道. 我喜歡不加酸奶的湯. ps. 有個朋友來家裡玩, 我請她吃這道湯, 她於是喜歡上甜菜頭的味道, 所以向我要食譜. 於是我也把英文版貼上來. Ingredients: 1. Cut onion, beets, carrots, potatos, and cabbagge into pieces. (I'm lazy, so I just do whatever it's the easiest.) 2. Pan fry onions until soft. Reduce heat and add carrots and potatos. Just for about 5 minutes. 3. Transfer cooked vegatables to a pot. Add beets, cabbage, bay leaves and pepper corn to the pot. 4. Add water (or veg broth or beef broth) and bring to boil. 5. Season to taste with salt. 6. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until vegetables are tender, about 30-45 minutes. 7. Ladle soup into bowls. Top with sour cream and remaining 1/4 cup dill. (If you like sour cream or dill) If you cook more than for two meals, try not to re-boil the soup too many times, because it will lose its red color. |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |