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﹝存參自用‧謝絕參觀7﹞President Ma emphasizes no use of force
2011/05/02 14:53:04瀏覽828|回應1|推薦1




前國安會祕書長蘇起:台灣處境是「三大之間難為小」,因此應該要廣結善緣,不過度恐懼、自我封閉,以「和陸、友日、親美」﹝rapprochement with Beijing, be friends with Japan  ,pro-American﹞的政策主軸,維持台灣的安全繁榮。

President Ma emphasizes no use of force

ROC Central News Agency

2011/05/01 23:19:46

Berlin, May 1 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou of the Republic of China told German media that Taiwan will adhere to the principle of no unification, no independence, no use of force in promoting relations with mainland China.

Ma made the remarks in an interview with German weekly magazine Spiegel at the Presidential Office in late April.

President Ma pointed out in the interview which was published in the May issue of the weekly that Taiwan can only extend some kind of influence towards the mainland, if both sides talk to each other.

"According to our Constitution, we will adhere to the principle of no unification, no independence, no use of force, " said the president, referring to the relations with the Chinese mainland.

He added that "This is a clear policy which reflects the expectation of the majority of Taiwanese people and is in the best interest of Taiwan."

While the Chinese mainland has become the largest market for Taiwanese products, President Ma said that Taiwan is seeking not to rely only on that market.

In order to minimize the risks, "We do not put all the eggs into one basket. Nevertheless, mainland China is the biggest basket among all. It would not be wise not to do so," he said.

Regarding Taiwan's national defense, the president said that in addition to military strength, Taiwan is seeking to develop its " soft power" through promoting culture, economy and trade.

He said that Taiwan has close cooperation with the United States in security issue. "We buy weapons which we do not produce from the U.S."

"In 1982, the U.S. government gave Taiwan six assurances, among which the guarantee of no time limit for weapon sales to Taiwan and no need of discussions (on weapon sales) with the mainland."

Addressing German reporters's concerns over human rights situation on the mainland and Taiwan's stance, President Ma said, since mainland China "has become the second largest economy of the world, it has to fulfill its responsibility in the world. This also pertains to reforms in individual freedom, democracy, rule of law, and human rights."

The President said that he was one of the only nine heads of state worldwide who congratulated Liu Xiaobo when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and in the meantime, he also appealed to the government in Beijing to release Liu.

He said that through reforms and opening up to the world, mainland China has liberated itself from poverty and achieved enormous economic growth. And the emergence of internet and new technologies has made it possible for more and more people to express political opinions there.

"Sooner or later, (mainland) China will also move towards a more liberal and democratic society," said President Ma. (by Lillian Lin) Enditem/Bear


President Ma urges Beijing to step up reforms

President Ma urges Beijing to step up reforms

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou called on mainland China to fulfill its obligations as the world’s second-largest economy by embracing democracy and promoting freedom, human rights and the rule of law.

“We expect Beijing to implement such reforms in the near future,” Ma said. “Taiwan can play an important part in this process through more frequent cross-strait exchanges.”

Ma made the remarks in an interview published by German-based weekly magazine Der Spiegel April 30.

The president also said that mainland Chinese students admitted to Taiwanese universities starting September will play an integral role in cross-strait exchanges after tasting the country’s freedom firsthand.

On the issue of Beijing’s aggressive military posture toward Taiwan, Ma said Taipei will not be drawn into a buildup of offensive weapons.

“In addition to upgrading the nation’s defense capabilities, we are conducting cross-strait trade and investment exchanges to help mainland China recognize the value of peaceful relations with Taiwan.”

But closer trade ties with Beijing do not mean Taipei is putting all its eggs in one basket, Ma said. “Taiwan continues to strengthen economic ties with countries and regions throughout the world,” he added.

Source: Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New Zealand


( 時事評論兩岸 )
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2011/05/19 12:34
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/陶泰山】
  • 馬英九就職三週年記者會上午10點半在台南大學啟明苑演講廳舉行,馬英九以「主權、人權、環境權」揭櫫他的施政重點。而對於維護台海安全,馬英九也提出三項策略,包括:兩岸關係制度化、提升台灣國際形象、呼籲美方銷售給我方防禦性武器等。

    philosopher(budda) 於 2011-05-20 10:10 回覆:






    外交部說,美方高層一再向台灣指出,美國與中國大陸的關係發展絕不影響美對台的安全承諾及軍售政策,如美國國防部長蓋茲(Robert Gates)即曾表示,對台軍售不會因為中國大陸與美國軍事交流而停止;美國聯邦眾議院136名眾議員也曾聯名致函美國總統歐巴馬儘速售台F-16C/D型戰機。


    【2011/05/19 中央社】

    philosopher(budda) 於 2011-06-07 14:08 回覆:

    我F-16A/B升級 美年底或會成全


  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/劉芳】
  •    美國「國防新聞」周刊今天報導說,台灣積極爭取把現有的F-16A/B戰機升級,美國政府可能在今年下半年或明年上半年同意。

        我國要求美國出售F-16C/D戰機,美國聯邦參議院將近半數議員最近也聯名致函美國總統歐巴馬,希望美國儘早同意出售。最新一期美國「國防新聞」周刊報導說,出售新機種牽涉的問題比較複雜,而行政部門為了化解來自國會的壓力,也許今年稍晚或明年初會宣布協助提升台灣現有的F-16 A/B戰機性能。

        報導指出,F-16 A/B戰機性能提升後,性能將接近歐洲國家所使用的F-16 AM/BM。至於F-16C/D,有的專家說,那是北京當局的紅線,碰不得;但也有的專家說,北京當局會強烈抗議,再次凍結與美國間的軍事交流,但也僅止於此。

    F-16 AM/BM


    philosopher(budda) 於 2011-06-24 09:46 回覆:

    【2011/06/24 聯合報】
