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﹝存參自用‧謝絕參觀5﹞Ma: Taiwan won't ask U.S. to fight China( 2010.4.30 )
2011/02/18 11:57:11瀏覽508|回應2|推薦0



Ma: Taiwan won't ask U.S. to fight China

April 30, 2010

By Tom Evans, CNN

Taiwan will never ask the United States to fight against China on its behalf, Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou said in a CNN interview.

"We will continue to reduce the risks so that we will purchase arms from the United States, but we will never ask the Americans to fight for Taiwan," Ma told CNN's Christiane Amanpour in an exclusive interview that aired Friday. "This is something that is very, very clear."

上圖:Christiane Amanpour

He added that the risk to the United States of a conflict between China and Taiwan is the lowest in 60 years as a result of his government's efforts to build a rapprochement with Beijing.

"In the last two years, as a result of our efforts to improve relations with the Chinese mainland, we have already defused the tension to a great extent," he said.

Ma said his government has concluded 12 agreements with China on flights, food safety, opening Taiwan to mainland tourists and mutual judicial assistance in the past two years.

"All these agreements contribute to prosperity and stability in Taiwan and nothing in these agreements compromised Taiwan's sovereignty or autonomy," he added.

Taiwan's relationship with the United States remains a tender issue for China, however.

China expressed outrage at a U.S. decision in January﹝2010﹞ to sell Taiwan more than $6 billion worth of weapons, including Patriot air defense missiles, Black Hawk helicopters, and mine-sweeping ships. The package did not include new F-16 fighter jets that the Taiwanese government has been seeking from the United States.

上圖:Patriot air defense missiles

上圖:Black Hawk helicopters

上圖:F-16 fighter jets A/B﹝左﹞;F-16 fighter jets C/D﹝右﹞

Beijing, which considers Taiwan part of its sovereign territory, said the arms sales damage China's national security. It demanded that the United States respect what it called China's core interests and rescind the decision.

Ma, however, said the arms sale is very important to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

"If the U.S. reduces arms sales to Taiwan below the current level, it will reduce confidence in this part of the world. Taiwan needs the arms to defend this country and its democracy," he said.

( 時事評論兩岸 )
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2011/03/09 15:20
美國在台協會台北辦事處長司徒文(William A.Stanton)在海基會廿週年學術研討會致詞說,兩岸從二○○八年至今已簽署十五個協議,涵蓋食品安全、醫療合作與知識產權,最重要的是ECFA,這些協議有助於兩岸人民彼此了解,也為兩岸增加交流和互動。 他 以「一個成功的故事」形容近年兩岸關係的發展,認為台灣軟實力已成為非常強大的力量;透過強有力的民主和自由的媒體,台灣就是中華文化和中國傳統價值提升的明證。



摘自:聯合報《兩岸關係發展 司徒文:一個成功的故事》乙文 by 記者陳思豪、王光慈

a rapprochement with Beijing.
2011/02/18 12:12


the establishment of a good relationship between two countries or groups of people, after a period of unfriendly relations