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2009/03/19 21:45:34瀏覽2039|回應12|推薦49 | |
生日當天有個難得的豔陽,氣溫竟然颯到13度C環繞春天的氣息(誰能想像之前的幾天還飄雪呢?)伴特別拿了一天假,兩個人9:30就跑去試敞棚車;12:05踏進B選的日內瓦市中心的Rasoi午餐(Hey! It's one of my favour now)天時地利人和真配得再好不過了! B還未從台灣歸來前,伴就問情人節訂Rochat好不好(公認全瑞士最好的餐館)?被拒!再問那妳生日時去?結果B卻選Rasoi印度菜,讓他跌破了眼鏡!其實B邏輯很簡單:上星期才跟朋友一起去吃了2星的Chateauvieux,伴2月份也剛因商務去過Rochat;而B跟Peech-http://chi-he-wan-le.blogspot.com/search/label/Geneva 十月去的食記到現在也還沒紀錄,星級米其林餐館的消費哪該走這麼頻繁啊? 哎。。伴對美的事物花費從來不心疼,B要怎用理性稍稍控制?!太多的好擠在一起,會容易遺失對好的感動啦! 瞧。。外頭隆河邊的梧桐樹,還光凸凸沒出葉子呢!我們是第一對入坐的食客。。。 就坐一看這麼美的鮮花,喜悅的心也就跟著渲染。可口鮮美的沾醬和薄黍餅馬上跟著菜牌上場。 熱烘烘現烤的Naan一上桌,B貪猥的手和眼睛哪等得了不抓? 開胃前菜-哇。。這Tandoori烤鮭魚又燙又鮮美,真棒耶! B心裡自打算盤,如到餐尾還餓的話,那就再點這一道來補。 沒想到伴還是點了上次試過的Menu Gourmand(甚至怪B小氣,怎只點三道式的商業午套餐?B覺得夠吃就好了,不是嗎?)所以伴的2道前菜及甜點沒拍,這是Tandoori Prawn with curry leaf upma文字介紹就略過啦! B的前菜-百香烤蝦,味道極濃鬱。。可惜把伴點的好勃根地白酒Pul.Mt.Sauz給蓋過啦! 龍蝦Grilled Lobster B的主菜-香料雞排咖哩紅蕃花醬,很嫩很可口份量也多。。。 伴的主菜-咖哩薑汁羊排 餐桌一景-B連吃好幾張naan覺得真好,想再多拿就被伴瞪白眼啦!(不讓B再胖下去。。) B的甜點-很養眼光看都開心,其實味道也不賴啦! B不喝咖啡,但每每聞伴喝的咖啡香,再欣賞那些使用的瓷器。。。也跟著心花大開! 餐後附送配咖啡的甜點 伴總認為倆人好好外出“享受”,讓美的事物環繞,對夫妻之間的情感親蜜有很強的潤滑效果。融於餐館營造框圍的氣氛中,面對面感受彼此的愛仍然“純與在”,婚姻才容易持續遠遠長長。。。 那你和妳也覺得,真是這樣? You only live once - by The Strokes Ooooh Some people think they're always right Others are quiet and uptight Others they seem so very nice nice nice nice nice oh oh Inside they might feel sad and wrong Oh no 29 different attributes And only 7 that you like, uh oh 20 ways to see the world, oh oh Or 20 ways to start a fight Oh, don't, don't, don't get up I can't see the sunshine I'll be waiting for you baby 'Cause I'm through Sit me down Shut me up I'll calm down And I'll get along with you Ooooooo-ooooo-ooooooh Oh, men don't notice what they got Women think of that a lot 1000 ways to please your man oh oh Not even one requires a plan. I know countless odd religions too It doesn't matter which you choose One stubborn way to turn your back This I've tried, and now refuse Oh don't don't don't get up I can't see the sunshine I'll be waiting for you, baby 'Cause I'm through Sit me down Shut me up I'll calm down And I'll get along with you Alright.. Shut me up Shut me up up up up up And I'll get along with you... 引用文章:原來印度菜也可以這樣?Rasoi-Mandarin Oriental Geneva |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |