引用文章: La vie en Celebrity II - 饗宴
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點完酒、菜, sommelier來開瓶及準備酒杯-他開瓶後先試嘗, 確認無誤才斟給伴試喝.
餐具全是銀器與高級瓷, 桌與桌的間距夠用餐氣氛佳. 不像The Grand Restaurand與buffet人多既吵又有回音鬧烘烘的, 同桌如坐離二個位子連交談都要用喊的.
開胃小點: 都是一口式的, 此為蔬茉乳酪軟餅
湯-Cream mushroom with truffle, 味道口感均佳
這一道是多給的乳酪烤籚筍(做法很有創意且味美), 份量不似開胃小點-當晚是伴的生日, 而被安排的桌位卻唯一一次沒臨窗邊不見夕陽. 幸好有這補償?(雖事前B有先要求窗位, 但並未吐露這晚有特殊意味. 結果在The Grand Restaurant 的Hugo捧著生日蛋糕找不到伴吹蠟燭 真是陰錯陽差! Celebrity的聯繫統合能力還需更細膩. 每位旅客的個人資料均有登記, 慶生是船方給的特別禮~)
Starters: Lobster Veloute-A creamy lobster broth, 很濃密但略鹹了些...
Russian Salad-A salad of diced vegetables, ham, tongue, a creamy mayonnaise, lobster and truffle. 與傳統的俄式作法比是精緻美觀多了, 而且還舖龍蝦片呢~
Escalope of Foie Gras, sauce citrus-Pan-fried minute foie gras presented with a fruity sauce and orange segments 煎鵝肝, 還可以只是醬汁還不夠勁味
Shredded Smoked Chicken With Oriental Salad-Sliced smoked breast of chicken served on ribbons of Chinese cabbage, toasted almonds and crispy rice noodles, 雞片柔軟入味又可口但salad就沒怎動...
清一色的帥哥細心服務, 吃得不稱心如意也難... 那一晚點了Solaia, 他們有Tignan Antin2000與2003(竟標同價?)被伴一連點了二瓶後說沒了? 船方大概不真懂酒價行情, 波爾多有名的連未熟的都叫價US$200.-以上, 而意大利、西班牙著名的好酒卻意外地價宜, 那伴當然不喝最常喝的波爾多囉~ (更何況家裡收藏的約有半數以上是Bordeaux^^)
Entrees: Scallops and Lobster oriental with fresh lingini pasta, lobster sauce-Pan-seared scallops and lightly cooked lobster tail complemented by a lightly spiced sauce secented with Cognac on buttered pakchoi and linguini pasta, 老實說這道是失敗之作, linguini麵條沒什味道>_<
Magret of Duck with roasted pineapple and confit of lemon-Pan-fried breast of duck garnished with thin slices of pineapple and lemon confit carved at the table, complemented with an orange-flavored sauce, 肉質與味感相當好, 可配的鳳梨換香蕉?真有些滑稽?
Rack of Lamb en Croute-Rack of lamb coated with a mushroom duxelle, wrapped in puff pastry and baked until golden, 這道是伴的B沒試
Fillet top with foie gras-不在菜單中的另式 (因B抱怨不知還能點什?不點魚是因那英國妻透露她嘗的魚是冷凍過的不夠鮮)
Steak Diane二式-New York steak cooked to your liking and served with garlic, parsley, Cognacand Worcestershire sauce, 帥哥在桌邊flambe煮醬汁, 又翻又切的弄了好一陣子, 是此行最捧的牛排.
A selection of fine cheeses-種類沒通常*級餐館的精彩, 但介紹嘗的都很棒.
Served with apples、grapes and walnut bread-每試一種乳酪後咬點蘋果片或芹菜, 洗洗味蕾再嚐另一乳酪, 更覺滋味
Dessert: Grand marnier souffle-A light fluffy full-flavored Grand Marnier souffle with a hint of fresh mango, B的最愛!平常連*級店都不常有, 現香現熱很輕也很可口...雖已飽還是捨不得不全部舔完...
Sobert with wine sauce Strawberry-又道臨創甜點
Selection of ice creams and Sorbets-Freshly churned ice creams and sorbets with berrys
Michel Roux's favorite bite-size surprise desserts-A selection of Mr. Roux's mouth-watering desserts. Can someone name and translate them?
餐後酒-不用開車的伴, 竟也喝起烈酒.
席間有豎琴演奏, 也可點曲名-浪漫吧? 感覺Murano的好, 就是這樣細細滴滴的凝聚... 嚴格評廌: 可有一星的等級, 菜的口感與品質並不很穩定, 但服務與用餐環境的營造算上乘. 很值得嚐試這一個完全怡情又浪漫屬於倆人親親愉悅的夜晚.
餐末近午夜見這樣的夕陽, 很奇異的感覺是不? 其實六月的北歐天沒真正全黑過, 太陽落入地平線下的海浪中很快就又昇起來, 那艷麗的雲彩一直不曾完全消失....如此浪似湖波的Baltic Sea, 寧靜中給人溫合致遠又永遠太平的錯覺?