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2014/11/03 01:01:17瀏覽1094|回應20|推薦94 | |
如果您是看到『對決』字眼才跑進來的,老實說,本文跟比武無關。 幾星期前拿到兩張音樂會票券,看到名稱「鋼琴大鬥法」《Piano Battle》就十分期待,很想帶蛙們去,就算要加買入場券都值得,結果都說有事,也的確卡到其他活動,我只好酸一句,不看會後悔! 表演者是來自德國的Andreas Kern 和 Paul Cibis! 開場兩人先分別獨奏一曲較為華麗的鋼琴曲,分別是蕭邦《革命練習曲》和比才《卡門》。 表演完之後,要求觀眾拿出黑白閃卡投票。由於Andreas的個性比較活潑搞笑,且他是白衣白牌,在昏暗的觀眾席所閃出來的卡片,白色者也較顯明。第一回合,白衣的Andreas勝出。 第二回合比旋律優美。Andreas彈奏李斯特《愛之夢》 ,Paul 表演舒曼寫給夫人克拉拉的曲子。這次觀眾的閃卡難分軒輊,算Paul險勝。 第三回合比單手彈奏,用的是左手。Paul嘲笑Andreas的貝多芬《月光曲》侷限在琴鍵的小範圍內,Andreas把高音部分改成低音彈奏,所以手指大約都在鋼琴的左側滑動,很明顯的不如Paul彈奏的曲子,主副旋律在高低音之間跳躍。 以上的「鬥法」,凡是贏得觀眾票選多的那人,便可把自己的鋼琴往觀眾席推近一大步。難怪一開始,我就覺得鋼琴擺得好後面,聲音出不太來。原來有此噱頭! 第四回是兵乓接力。他們先從觀眾席中各挑選兩位年輕人當助手,一個當發球員,一個當撿球員,只能在鋼琴裡面撿球,跳到地面的不算,撿到的乒乓球投入一個高高的塑膠透明管。所以當他們一手彈琴,一手揮著球拍時,觀眾都屏氣凝神,台上橘色的乒乓球跳滿地,撿球員跑來跑去,我也跟著眼花而忘了他們到底彈了甚麼? 接下來,Paul的其中一位「美女助手」說要表演小提琴,要他幫忙伴奏。這當然是事先的安排囉!一首快板,贏得觀眾熱烈的掌聲!那麼,Andreas也不能示弱地「請」了剛才的「帥哥助手」來表演。他的拿手樂器是比小提琴大的…電吉他,Andreas的鋼琴伴奏與敲打鋼琴的節奏與吉他分貝融入小帥哥熱情的演唱裡。這位自稱從台北來的小帥哥英語流暢,臺風穩健,看起來像高中生,表演十分精彩,我忍不住立刻給他兩個Bravo! 沒有中場。布拉姆斯《第五號匈牙利舞曲》(?)的四手聯彈搞笑秀馬上討好了觀眾的掌聲和笑聲! 四手聯彈的搞笑表演,Victor Borge乃為翹楚,他在YouTube上年紀已經一把,手指依然靈活,整人的方式匠心獨具,百看不厭。提到他,就懷念起已經兩年多沒在網上發文的伊涵,她的兩位鋼琴王子所表演的李斯特《No 2 匈牙利狂想曲》聯彈,十分出色有趣!請點【弦音共鳴】連結。 第五回合請觀眾點曲,由兩人分別擔任即興演奏!這回合的表演更能看出兩人古典鋼琴的實力,才能祭出古今混包的旋律,包括星際大戰、Let It Go、周杰倫《菊花台》等的另類呈現,同時也欣賞到以和弦為底的接力方式。 表演尾聲是Andreas的一首中文流行歌,可惜現場只有少數能夠一起合唱。我是壓根沒聽過,散場後到處找年輕人問,問到第十個才發現答案:韋禮安《還是會》! 兩首安可,再見了!後會有期。真希望台灣那麼多學古典音樂的孩子也能創新出另類流行的表演方式!
分享其他的多手彈奏— 有興趣深入欣賞的可自行練功! 【附記】有關Andreas的訪談,可看出他的幽默— Meet Andreas in 21 questions 1. Some basics first: How tall are you? 185cm 2. How old are you? Less than a year older than Paul. 3. What is your favourite food? Pancakes and shrimp dumplings, but not together. 4. What is your favourite movie? Too many. Maybe Tin Tin In Tibet, The Lives Of The Others, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, or 2046 by Wong Kar-wai. And films by Almodóvar. 5. What is your mobile phone ring tone? Don’t know, most of the time it’s on silent. 6. What is your favourite classical piece of music? Michael Jackson’s She’s out of my life. 7. What is your favourite piece of pop music? Bach’s piano concerto in D-minor. 8. Which famous composer of the past would you like to have met? Schumann. 9. If you were not a musician, what would you be? A racing driver. 10. Where is home for you? The people I love are my home. 11. Your favourite place on earth? Far away from Paul. 12. What in your life would you change if you suddenly had 10 million euros in your bank account? I would buy a racing cycle. 13. What is your greatest extravagance? My 20 children. 14. What was your most exciting experience on stage? A true story: once when I was performing Beethoven’s Sonata op. 111 in Bangalore, India, there was a power cut. I continued to play. Then I started talking to the audience about the piece although I couldn’t see anything. In the end a little boy came on stage with a candle and I resumed playing. 15. And the most embarrassing moment on stage? Never had one. 16. What do you do to keep fit? I play the organ: Manuals for my arms and pedals for my legs. 17. What music would you like to be played at your funeral? Haha – which funeral? 18. If you could choose, in which period other than present would you like to live? 1920s, or, better still, in 2250. 19. If you could choose, who would you like to be? Casanova. 20. Which famous person would you like to meet for dinner? Woody Allen. 21. What is your present stage of mind? I’m flattered and amazed that after a long period of being forgotten, my music is now being played and admired in virtually every country around the world. Any last comment? It cannot be my last comment, so “no comment”. (網站來源: Piano Battle的官方網站 http://www.pianobattle.com/)
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