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2011/10/07 14:12:55瀏覽378|回應2|推薦4 | |
Anger, Shock, Dismay as Obama Sets Up Country for Riots --社會主義階級鬥爭回潮 歐馬在東部大學時,參加左派活動,他希望以社會福利,改變美國的資本主義(嚴格一點講,美國現在只有高科技資本主義),所以,他的總統大選鐵票部隊,華爾街抗議500人(夜間只有250留守),是索羅斯後面出資請來的臨時演員。有人認為歐馬是在位的總統,不應當在幕後搞遊行。無獨有偶,當年臺灣某總統,在紅衫時期不也想來一段街頭遊行! 由於,美國媒體的左傾,因此看起來像有幾萬人起鬨,其實這是低成本高收益的新聞製作。本文太長無法細說了 ....附帶及時新聞插播10/9/2011. ![]() 參加「佔領華府」活動的示威群眾發出怒吼,標語牌的「$」符號代表對金、權掛鉤的不滿。(新聞媒體如此推波助瀾 的報導)然而,這些參與者大半是領生活救濟金的垃圾,有時還可以轉換成暴力暴民,就像月前英國的暴力遊行一般。這些人還說要發揚阿拉伯之春,如果,他們真那麼喜愛社會主義社會,盡可以去古巴,中國,北韓,委內瑞拉去試試。 If you have ABC Radio News, if your EIB affiliate carries ABC Radio News and you've been listening to it mere moments ago, they've been playing sound bites from Obama's press conference as if they're being fed those sound bites, and saying, "an angry sounding Obama." And he has sounded angry a couple times. I'm thinking, "What in the world does he have to be angry about? He's the one causing all this. He's the one screwing everybody. He's the one happily managing the decline of the United States of America." And these fits of rage are prompted by questions that he considers to be beneath him, he doesn't think he should be asked. And this whole thing is a campaign appearance. There's no news in this press conference. There hasn't been one shred of news here. And the reporters asking questions, with the exception of two or three of them, are just scared as they can be. State-Controlled Media on parade. Obama's pushing hard to change the facts, position himself as a man who wants to create jobs with a phony jobs bill. It's just a massive tax increase bill. It isn't gonna happen. He's not gonna get away with this lie. It has been one solid lie after another. We've got sound bites of it. I guess we'll play some of them as the program unfolds today. I just marvel here at what I really think is profound incompetence, coupled with everything else that he is. I know he's got a chip on his shoulder about the country, and I know that he thinks we need to be taken down a peg or two, all of our imperialistic ways in the past, the way we've stolen resources from everybody else in the world, that's how he we got our greatness, we gotta pay the price now, we gotta find out what the rest of the world lives like, all that sort of stuff, but to listen to him try to explain economics is an embarrassment. To listen to him explain how this jobs bill is gonna magically put everybody back to work and build roads and bridges and schools? And not one reporter said, "Well, what about the first stimulus that was almost a trillion dollars? What happened to all the road building and school building and bridge building in that stimulus?" There wasn't any of it. And here comes the usual line about cops and firemen and teachers being laid-off and this is gonna put 'em back to work. Yeah, for a year. This bill gives the states money to hire those workers for a year, and then what do they do? Just like Clinton's hundred thousand cops. Yeah, for a year. You commit with federal money to hire cops and so forth and then after a year or two the money runs out and then what do you do? So, anyway, we'll get into this in more detail. It's still going on. This thing is going on now an hour and ten minutes long, and we had a room full of journalists in there supposedly in a news conference and not one random act of journalism occurred. I mean F. Chuck Todd said, "Mr. President, in past occasions you've urged people to call Congress, and you've melted the phone lines, and it isn't happening anymore. Have you lost the ability to persuade people?" ![]() Bill Plante said, (paraphrasing) "You're out there waving the bill around and it almost sounds like it's a campaign rather than actual negotiation, you're doing a Harry Truman, do-nothing Congress. Is that what you're doing, Mr. President?" Obama got really ticked off at that, said, (imitating) "I couldn't run against a do-nothing Congress, right? If they just do something, they won't do anything." And I'll tell you something else, he did get a question, Jackie Calmes at the New York Times asked him about this Occupy Wall Street bunch, and we've learned a lot more about that group, too, about which we will share with you as the program unfolds today. Jackie Calmes of the New York Times asked him, "Are you aware of this? Are you watching any of it?" And he expressed his solidarity, 'cause those are his foot soldiers. This thing just didn't bubble up out of nothing. We now find out George Soros money is behind this, and there's no doubt in my mind that the White House is behind this. I wish I could tell you who, but a very prominent person asked me to never mention his name in this regard, but for months he has been telling me, "You watch, Rush, do not doubt me," he said to me, "Obama is setting up riots. He is fanning the flames for riots and eventual violence. That's all he's got." And now you look, all of this talk about millionaires and billionaires and people not paying their fair share and this relentless assault on achievement in this country has resulted in what? The appearance of a spontaneous combustion of angry white college students who are fed up with all the injustices that this country is famous for. That's his base. Occupy Wall Street is his base. Those are his foot soldiers. The anarchists, the union thugs who are occupying Wall Street, Obama is now going to run for reelection against Wall Street, and all of these schlubs in this protest march don't understand that Wall Street and Obama are inseparable. New York legislators are getting death threats now if they don't tax the millionaires, and my very prescient friend wanted me to say this on the air, wanted me to warn people. "I'm not gonna say that. I'm not gonna predict the president of the United States wants riots," but he was a very, very, very prominent individual; and we're on the verge of it here. You get this many people together and you whip 'em into this kind of a frenzy over things they don't even really know about? They've got a bunch of energy, and it's gonna have to have an outlet somewhere. But all these people down there occupying Wall Street, this is his base -- and he admitted it! He expressed his solidarity, 'cause those are his campaign foot soldiers down there. He can't turn his back on them this close to the elections. 及時插播10/9/11 臺灣新聞也跟著發燒! You'd think that he'd be embarrassed to embrace them publicly like this. He said, "Well, those people, they're simply expressing the frustrations of the American people," as though the frustrations felt by you and me and everybody else have nothing to do with what's gone on in the last two-and-a-half years. He keeps saying (impression), "The American people have been frustrated a long time, ten years! American people have been mad about this economy for a long time. We need to do something now. We need to pass that jobs bill!" Who in the world thinks, even if...? Let's just play a game here. This bill of his is $450 billion of tax increases. He's out there talking about small business tax cuts and middle-income class tax cuts. There aren't any tax cuts in this bill! It's a tax increase bill, but let's just pretend for a second that this was $450 billion of just spending, stimulus spending. Somebody explain to me how spending $450 billion is gonna get every bridge repaired, every school repaired, every road repaired, and everybody who doesn't have a job, a job. How does that happen? This is what's on parade today. This is utter foolishness, this is utter incompetence, trying to sell the notion that this bill of $450 billion is a magic elixir. If $450 billion would turn this economy around -- which I thought it already had! We have been "back from the brink" for how many years now, according to Obama? If $450 billion is gonna turn this economy around, then why didn't the first $787 billion and then the next $50 billion that was added to it and then the third $26 billion on top of that and all of the other spending that has occurred in this administration -- not just the stimulus spending -- created this magic? Right, because we had a typhoon in Japan, and we had the Arab spring. Oh! Oh! You remind me. I got a story here in the stack: One of these idiots down there at Occupy Wall Street claims that they were inspired by the Arab spring and that that's why they are marching. H.R. dug that one out in some obscure weekly publication in the Bowery. So, anyway, folks, I just sit here and I don't quite know how to verbalize the emotions I'm feeling over this because they run the gamut of anger, shock, dismay, suspension -- willing suspension -- of disbelief, all of it. It's just the Twilight Zone, alternate universe. people on the left -- are fully aware and they have buyer's remorse. They know it. You have people like Tina Brown. You may say, "Tina Brown? Who's Tina Brown?" Tina Brown, as far as the left is concerned, is an oracle. She may be an absolute dunce. She can put magazines together, but she's an oracle to these people. She said, "Yes, it turns out he wasn't ready. It turns out he wasn't ready." They know. They know and they're embarrassed watching this garbage. Don't doubt me. 及時插播10/9/2011 中國插花部隊 ![]() 郑州数百民众2011年10月6日声援纽约“占领华尔街”抗议活动 法新社报道说,这次集会活动很可能得到了当地政府支持。 集会者打出的横幅上写着:“坚决支持美国人民伟大的‘华尔街革命’”。中国毛派网站《乌有之乡》的报道引述一位参加集会的年轻人说,资本主义已经走上穷途末路,资本主义国家的人民开始觉醒;一位山东在郑州打工的男子则说,社会主义不但能救中国,还要救世界。 但有网友注意到,参加郑州声援活动者的年轻人不多。 占领华尔街活动自9月17日在纽约开始以来,逐渐向美国其它城市扩散。在美国舆论中日渐吸引关注。周五,共和党在国会众议院的第二号人物艾里克-坎托尔在华盛顿参加一次基督教福音派团体活动时提出批评,将参加占领华尔街活动的人比作“流氓”,认为有些人努力在美国人之间制造对立;但是,在此之前,总统奥巴马则认为,占领华尔街活动显示民众普遍对金融体制运作不满。 有中国网友在人民网就中国民众声援占领华尔街抗议活动以及中国否决安理会谴责叙利亚决议案评论说:这等于是黑道暴打平民不援手,却去声援二夫妻争吵,中国人太奇怪了。不过,这条评论已经被删除。 |
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