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Blackjack 2020/4/1

Link: 戰艦上的瘟神:美軍「羅斯福號航空母艦」染疫求救事件,何解?https://global.udn.com/global_vision/story/8662/4461610?direct?from=udn_ch2_menu_v2_main_index

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搭大眾運輸需戴口罩量體溫,交通部:具強制性| TechNews 科技 ...
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Coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier  Captain gets Navy’s help after plea - SFChronicle.com.html  
Matthias Gafni and Joe Garofoli Mar 31, 2020 Updated: Mar 31, 2020 10:07 p.m.
The U.S. Navy took action Tuesday to address the deteriorating situation aboard a nuclear aircraft carrier docked in Guam with coronavirus spreading aboard, promising to isolate crew members ashore for rotating quarantine and possibly move many into hotels within 24 hours.
Crew members speaking to The Chronicle praised their outspoken commanding officer, who aired the dire situation in a stark letter Monday addressed to Navy command and first reported Tuesday by The Chronicle. They reiterated his concerns that it is impossible to properly quarantine sailors on board the Theodore Roosevelt and stop the spread of COVID-19. A senior officer told The Chronicle more than 100 sailors had tested positive in less than a week.

Exclusive  Captain of aircraft carrier with growing coronavirus outbreak pleads for help from Navy - SFChronicle.com.html

Matthias Gafni and Joe Garofoli March 31, 2020 Updated: March 31, 2020 4:36 p.m.

Note: This story has been updated with comments from the U.S. Navy and other developments.

The captain of a nuclear aircraft carrier with more than 100 sailors infected with the coronavirus pleaded Monday with U.S. Navy officials for resources to allow isolation of his entire crew and avoid possible deaths in a situation he described as quickly deteriorating.

The unusual plea from Capt. Brett Crozier, a Santa Rosa native, came in a letter obtained exclusively by The Chronicle and confirmed by a senior officer on board the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, which has been docked in Guam following a COVID-19 outbreak among the crew of more than 4,000 less than a week ago.

“This will require a political solution but it is the right thing to do,” Crozier wrote. “We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our Sailors.”

In the four-page letter to senior military officials, Crozier said only a small contingent of infected sailors have been off-boarded. Most of the crew remain aboard the ship, where following official guidelines for 14-day quarantines and social distancing is impossible.

“Due to a warship’s inherent limitations of space, we are not doing this,” Crozier wrote. “The spread of the disease is ongoing and accelerating.”

He asked for “compliant quarantine rooms” on shore in Guam for his entire crew “as soon as possible.”

“Removing the majority of personnel from a deployed U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier and isolating them for two weeks may seem like an extraordinary measure. ... This is a necessary risk,” Crozier wrote. “Keeping over 4,000 young men and women on board the TR is an unnecessary risk and breaks faith with those Sailors entrusted to our care.”

The Navy did not respond to The Chronicle’s requests for comment Monday, but on Tuesday morning as the news spread, the Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly spoke to CNN.

“I heard about the letter from Capt. Crozier (Tuesday) morning, I know that our command organization has been aware of this for about 24 hours and we have been working actually the last seven days to move those sailors off the ship and get them into accommodations in Guam. The problem is that Guam doesn’t have enough beds right now and we’re having to talk to the government there to see if we can get some hotel space, create tent-type facilities,” Modly said.

“We don’t disagree with the (captain) on that ship and we’re doing it in a very methodical way because it’s not the same as a cruise ship, that ship has armaments on it, it has aircraft on it, we have to be able to fight fires if there are fires on board the ship, we have to run a nuclear power plant, so there’s a lot of things that we have to do on that ship that make it a little bit different and unique but we’re managing it and we’re working through it,” he said.

“We’re very engaged in this, we’re very concerned about it and we’re taking all the appropriate steps,” Modly said.

So far, none of the infected sailors has shown serious symptoms, but the number of those who have tested positive has jumped exponentially since the Navy reported infections in three crew members on March 24, the first time COVID-19 infections had been detected on a naval vessel at sea.

Asked Tuesday what should be done about the Roosevelt, President Trump said he would “let the military make that decision.”

Retired Admiral James Stavridis, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, told The Chronicle Tuesday in an e-mail that “we should expect more such incidents because warships are a perfect breeding ground for coronavirus.”

“Unfortunately, naval vessels are ideal breeding grounds for the spread of viruses because it is impossible to do social distancing on one” because of the tight quarters on board, Stavridis said.

The ship’s problems will “compound,” Stavridis said, because you can’t tie the vessel up “and send everyone ashore. It is full of weapons, billions of dollars of equipment, fire hazards, and nuclear reactors.”
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Mark Cancian, a Marine colonel who served for 37 years before retiring, said that “the Navy has got to figure out how to do this right or else they can’t deploy the rest of the fleet.

“This is like the test case,” said Cancian, a senior adviser with the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank in Washington, D.C.

Stavridis advised the “entire U.S. Navy” to “test, test, test,” and immediately isolate those infected off of ships.

Scrubbing the Theodore Roosevelt of the virus will not be complicated, but “time-consuming,” he said. He estimated cleaning would take five to 10 days with a crew of 350 people.

Senior military officials said last week that the entire crew of more than 4,000 will be tested. The carrier’s home port is San Diego.

At the time, Modly expressed confidence that they identified all the sailors who had been in contact with the trio of infected sailors and they had been quarantined.

“This is an example of how we are able to keep our ships deployed at seas and underway, even with active COVID-19 cases,” Modly said.

But by the time the ship reached port in Guam on Friday, the number of cases had grown to 25, and soon after to 36, according to reports.

Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Mike Gilday responded to the increasing numbers late last week by saying the Navy was taking “this threat very seriously” and working to isolate positive cases to halt the spread. He promised to increase the rate of testing and to isolate infected sailors. He stressed that the top two priorities were caring for their sailors and maintaining “mission readiness.”

“We are confident that our aggressive response will keep U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt able to respond to any crisis in the region,” Gilday said.

But by Monday, a senior officer on board the massive aircraft carrier, who wished to remain anonymous because they are not authorized to speak to the media, said between 150 and 200 sailors had tested positive. None had been hospitalized — yet, the source said. The Chronicle agreed to withhold the officer’s name based on its anonymous sources policy.

In his letter to top Navy command, Crozier said if it was operating in wartime, the ship would cope and continue operations and battle the illness as best it could.

“However, we are not at war, and therefore cannot allow a single Sailor to perish as a result of this pandemic unnecessarily,” Crozier wrote. “Decisive action is required now in order to comply with CDC and (Navy) guidance and prevent tragic outcomes.”

Lawrence Korb, a former assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan Administration, said that “it is very unusual” for a ship captain — someone who is typically on a career track to become an admiral — to write such a letter.

“It shows that this is a person who is putting the welfare of his sailors ahead of his career,” said Korb, a retired Navy captain who is now a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress think tank.

Gilday told reporters last week it was unclear if sailors became infected following the ship’s previous port of call in early March to Da Nang, Vietnam. Gilday said they debated whether to go on with the Vietnam visit, but at the time there were only 16 coronavirus cases in northern Vietnam and the port was in the central part of the country.

Sailors were screened prior to returning on board. The first three sailors tested positive 15 days after leaving Vietnam, officials said.

The virus has been hard to contain on board ever since. Federal and military guidelines recommend individual quarantine, including no use of common areas.

“Due to the close quarters required on a warship and the current number of positive cases, every single Sailor, regardless of rank, on board the TR must be considered ‘close contact,’” Crozier wrote.

The tight quarters on the carrier are “most conducive to spread,” he wrote, including large amounts of sailors in a confined space, shared sleeping quarters, restrooms, workspaces and computers, a common mess hall, meals cooked by exposed personnel, and movement constraints requiring communal contact with ladders and hatches.

He called the current strategy followed so far — of moving a small infected group onto the pier, increasing cleaning and attempts at social distancing ineffective.

“The current strategy will only slow the spread,” he wrote. “The current plan in execution on TR will not achieve virus eradication on any timeline.”

The captain compared the situation to the Diamond Princess cruise ship, citing a study that focused on what could have happened to that cruise ship had no isolation been done. A total of 712 passengers eventually tested positive for COVID-19 from that cruise departing from Japan; however, the study found if there had been no early isolation close to 80% of passengers and crew would have been infected. And had the cruise line immediately evacuated the ship after the first positive tests, the study found only 76 people would have tested positive.

Crozier said the Theodore Roosevelt could fare even worse, as a warship is not designed to provide such individual isolation like guest cabins.

“TR’s best-case results, given the current environment, are likely to be much worse,” he wrote.

As for the senior military officials’ promising tests for all crew aboard the carrier last week, Crozier said it is not a solution.

“Testing has no direct influence on the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It merely confirms the presence of the virus,” he wrote.

Of the first 33 Roosevelt sailors testing positive, seven, or 21%, originally tested negative. After testing negative, those seven sailors presented symptoms within 1 to 3 days after their initial negative test, Crozier said.

The testing should be utilized, the captain wrote, after a proper 14-day quarantine to ensure no infected sailors return on board a clean ship.

Only one of the pier-side accommodations meet Navy guidelines, he wrote, adding that two sailors tested positive after sleeping in a gym with cots.

If the Navy focuses on being battle ready, it will lead to “losses to the virus,” Crozier said. The second option, the captain recommended: “Achieve a COVID-free TR.” Methodically clean the ship, while isolating the crew in port with a massive amount of individualized lodging equipment.

As part of his plan, 10% of the crew would stay on board to run the reactor plant, sanitize the ship, ensure security and provide contingency response for emergencies.

“As war is not imminent,” Crozier wrote, “we recommend pursuing the peace time end state.”

2020-04-01 00:44 聯合報 / 聯合報社論
疫情持續發燒,地方政府的防疫能量已達極限;圖為桃園區公所日前盤點各項防疫物資。 圖/聯合報系資料照片
疫情持續發燒,地方政府的防疫能量已達極限;圖為桃園區公所日前盤點各項防疫物資。 圖/聯合報系資料照片









羅斯福號航母艦長的信奏效 美海軍允分批上岸檢疫

2020-04-02 04:47 中央社 / 舊金山1日專電


羅斯福號航空母艦(USS Theodore Roosevelt)上週起在關島停泊,艦上有4000多名官兵,艦長克勞齊上校(Capt. Brett Crozier)30日緊急致函美國海軍部求援讓艦艇上的士官兵下船檢疫,長達4頁的信件昨天由「舊金山紀事報」(San Francisco Chronicle)獨家取得後報導。

美軍太平洋艦隊司令阿基里諾(John Aquilino)於31日表示,海軍部已經在計劃「盡快」讓船上一部分官兵先下船,在關島上合宜的處所隔離、檢疫。









克勞齊是加州聖羅沙(Santa Rosa)人,30日他致美國海軍部這封很不尋常的信函上寫著:「這需要政治解決,但這是正確的作為。此刻並非戰時,艦上官兵不需要犧牲。我們現在若不行動,就沒有讓我們最信賴的資產,也就是我們的官兵,受到妥善的照顧。」


近百船員染新冠求救信曝光 美羅斯福號艦長恐被罰

12:022020/04/02 中時電子報


美媒先前披露,停靠關島的美國航母「羅斯福」號傳出上百名、甚至高達200名船員感染新冠肺炎,艦長克勞齊上校(Capt. Brett Crozier)致函海軍的求救信函也曝光,長達4頁的信件內容描述船上的慘淡情況,呼籲海軍讓船員下船隔離。




另外據《國會山莊報》(The Hill)報導,莫德里在記者會上表示,對於克勞齊上校批評海軍不重視「羅斯福」號水手的說詞感到失望,批評這不是事實,稱海軍希望船員健康、安全,也需要「羅斯福」號繼續運作,更表示不認同艦長說艦上只需要10%船員留守的說法。


文章來源:U.S. Navy does not rule out punishing captain who criticized coronavirus response


文章來源:Navy leaders: 2,700 sailors will be taken off aircraft carrier with coronavirus outbreak



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2020/04/04 09:30
blackjack(blackjack) 於 2020-04-04 09:30 回覆:
並非無理!美艦長求援遭拔官 海軍親解釋關鍵大錯

07:002020/04/04 中時電子報


傳出上百人確診新冠病毒的美海軍「羅斯福號」航空母艦,艦長克勞齊(Brett Crozier)上校因對外流出向國防部求援的信件而遭美國海軍拔除艦長一職,此案引起多位美議員關注,表示此舉恐引起寒蟬效應。對此,美國代理海軍部長莫德里透過公開信指出,克勞齊以不安全方式求援,不僅造成不必要的混亂與恐慌,更破壞了指揮鏈結構。


莫德利(Thomas Modly)指出,他自己的兒子正在處於疫區之中的南韓服役,他和每一位美軍軍眷一樣關心官兵健康與安全,作為一名父親與老兵,我們對官兵們健康與安全的支援線至關重要,特別是全球處於大流行之際。


莫德利指出,自從羅斯福號的指揮官寫信敘述他關切發生新冠病毒疫情後,美國海軍早已動用大量資源回應其要求;就在他寫信求援的同日,莫德利已要求直接通知海軍司令部,且克勞齊隨時能夠與他本人、海軍軍令部長吉爾德上將(Michael Martin Gilday)、太平洋艦隊司令阿基里諾上將(John Christopher Aquilino)與「羅斯福號」打擊群指揮官貝克少將(Stuart Baker)直接通話,各方也開過多次視訊會議,確保克勞齊有一切所需資源可照顧船員們的健康與安全。



路透社報導,美國海軍解職克勞齊的舉動,恐對軍中其他有意通報問題的人產生寒蟬效應。民主黨籍聯邦參議員華納(Mark Warner)對於克勞齊遭解職批評,海軍需要願意為船上官兵說話的人,且從克勞齊的行動判斷,「只是想為他的下屬做最適合的決定」,不懂為何要懲罰這樣的人,尤其是有這麼多條人命處於危急關頭。此外,川普在白宮疫情記者會上被問及此事也表示,他個人也對海軍將克勞齊解職不表贊同。


2020/04/03 10:42
blackjack(blackjack) 於 2020-04-03 11:26 回覆:





2020/04/03 09:06
航母羅斯福號艦長求援成功後遭拔官 理由「製造恐慌」

2020-04-03 08:03 聯合報 / 編譯胡夢瑋/即時報導



停靠在關島的美國航空母艦「羅斯福號」艦長克羅齊爾(Brett Crozier)日前因船上出現新冠肺炎疫情,寫了四頁備忘錄向上級求救。法新社報導,美國海軍代理部長2日將艦長撤職,表示他未妥善處理航母疫情溝通問題。

美海軍代理部長默德利(Thomas B. Modly)表示,克羅齊爾不應該將充滿情緒、描述近5000名官兵受到疫情威脅的備忘錄影印給許多人,導致國防部高層看到前,信函就已經洩漏給媒體。



blackjack(blackjack) 於 2020-04-03 09:53 回覆:

新冠疫情害的 羅斯福號航母艦長丟官

06:362020/04/03 中時電子報


就在美國海軍「羅斯福」號(USS Theodore Roosevelt,CVN-71)航母艦長寫備忘錄向高層示警,說艦上有近百人感染新冠肺炎,要求讓艦上人員下船後,美國代理海軍部長莫德里(Thomas Modly)周四宣布,解除他的職務。

據CNN新聞網和Fox5電視台2日報導,莫德里在五角大廈的新聞簡報會中說,在他指示下,航母打擊群指揮官貝克(Stewart Baker)解除了「羅斯福」號艦長克勞齊上校(Capt. Brett Crozier)的指揮職務。



「我既沒有情報,也沒想要暗示,他洩漏了軍情。消息刊登在《舊金山紀事報》(San Francisco Chronicle)上,事情上了報,令我們全都大吃一驚,而那是我前所未見的,」莫德里說,「我要說的是,他相當廣泛地散佈消息,而在廣為散播消息的同時,並沒有用心確保它不能外洩。而依我來看,那是他份內職責的一部份。」

克勞齊稍早在致美國海軍太平洋艦隊(Pacific Fleet)的備忘錄中說:「我們沒在打仗,兵員不必死。要是我們現在不行動,就無法適當保護我們最信賴的資產──也就是我們的士兵。」
