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2007/09/19 08:29:05瀏覽7643|回應1|推薦9 | |
文/怡克納米斯 2007.09.19 世界上正推行省錢大作戰,鬥爭對象竟然是微軟? 繼SUN和GOOGLE合作提供StarSuite8供下載後,IBM也於9/18的新聞稿指出,也提供支援ODF和 Microsoft Office的一套辦公室桌面軟體IBM Lotus Symphony供有需要的使用者下載,同樣和StarSuite8一樣,都支援PDF檔案的輸出。 看來微軟的敵人愈來愈多,有免費的文書軟體可以使用,當然省了一些荷包裡的錢,只要努力克服介面的熟悉度就可以了。 新聞稿如下: http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/22326.wss IBM Lotus Symphony的主頁: http://symphony.lotus.com/software/lotus/symphony/home.jspa 敘述如下: Be Free.Work Smart.IBM® Lotus® Symphony™ is a set of applications for creating, editing, and sharing word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Designed to handle the majority of tasks that end users perform, the Lotus Symphony tools support the Open Document Format (ODF), enabling organizations to access, use, and maintain their documents over the long term without worrying about end-of-life uncertainties or ongoing software licensing and royalty fees. By using tools that support ODF, customers are not locked into one particular vendor for their productivity tools. ODF helps provide interoperability and flexibility. 但這套軟體,目前只有英文版,不像StarSuite8有提供正體中文語系,算是美中不足之處,要下載也有點麻煩,必須先加入IBM的會員(免費)才能下載,還必須有JAVA Platform的環境才能支援下載,檔案大小約133MB。 |
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