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2009/05/10 08:41:57瀏覽474|回應0|推薦6

我最近發現了一個日裔的英籍作家和他的作品,他的名字叫石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro)。他在1954年生於日本長崎。六歲的時候因為父親工作的關係舉家移居英國。我到目前為止聽完了Never Let Me Go(別讓我走)和The Unconsoled。之所以用聽的,是因為彌補每天在洛杉磯開車的浪費的時間;再者,聽與讀的感受可以有很大的不同,這樣的聽覺刺激讓我想起當我還不認識幾個字的時候,爸媽和老師給我們的說故事課,樂趣真是無窮。前一陣子與梔子分享Never Let Me Go的讀後感,或許應該在這裡作個紀錄和整理。至於The Unconsoled,我還在咀嚼中。

聽完了Never Let Me Go之後,感覺是多層次的:心沈沈的,但是也一種解脫與自由的感覺。石黑一雄在這本書裡創造了一個虛構而完整的世界。所謂的完整,是指他不僅給書中的人物一個不同於常世的生活環境,不同稱呼彼此的方式,不同的教育環境,不同的生命規則,甚至不同的生命與不同的死亡。比較小心的讀者也大概要到書的四分之三的地方才能猜出作者人物的範本是複製人,而他們存在的目的就是捐贈器官,他們是個備用器官的生長器具,時間到了就必須被任意從身體裡摘取某個器官,一個接著一個器官,直到身體再也不能負荷。所以這群複製人從小在系統化的教育和生活環境中長大,甚至教育也分階段,像是小學中學與大學的分別。不同的學校也有對待學生不同的方式。就像在書中的這個學校「海爾森」,其實很像現代注重人文教育的理想學校:不僅注重健康教育,也注重創作。尤其是後者,學生的作品有具有「交換價值」,他們可以用自己的作品換得代幣,進而又可以用代幣交換自己想要的別人的作品。可是,「海爾森」創作的重視程度,也讓這些孩子懷疑:是否創作有其他的意涵?故事中很常見的一個想法是來自一對從小相愛的「人」:凱西和湯米。因為只要他們證明彼此相愛,就可以免除捐贈。而證明彼此相愛的方法是透過藝術作品:只有透過藝術創作,才能看到一個人真實的內心深處。但是進行複製人計畫的這群人重視創作的原因是因為他們要證明複製人也有藝術創作的能力,他們也有其他與一般人相同的能力。凱西和湯米沒有辦法離開這個生命設計,湯米在第四次捐贈之後死去,凱西每天風塵僕僕地南來北往到各地照顧其他捐贈後等待復原的複製人(照顧複製人是捐贈器官前的工作)。


"There was a fence keeping me from stepping into the field, with two lines of barbed wire, and I could see how this fence and the cluster of tree or four trees above me were the only things breaking the wind for miles. All along the fence, especially along the lower line of wire, all sorts of rubbish had caught and tangled. It was like the debris you get on a sea-shore : the wind must have carried some of it for miles and miles before finally coming against these trees and these two lines of wire. Up in the branches of trees, too, I could see, flapping about, torn plastic sheeting and bits of old carrier bags, That was the only time, as I stood there, looking at that strange rubbish, feeling the wind coming across those empty fields, that I started to imagine just a little fantasy thing, because this was Norfolk after all, and it was only a couple of weeks since I'd lost him. I was thinking about the rubbish, the flapping plastic in the branches, the shore line of odd stuff caught along the fencing, and I half-closed my eyes and imagined this was the spot where everything I'd ever lost since my childhood had washed up, and I was now standing here in front of it, and if I waited long enough, a tiny figure would appear on the horizon across the field, and gradually get larger until I'd see it was Tommy, and he's wave, maybe even call. The fantasy never got beyond that - I didn't let it - and though the tears rolled down my face, I wasn't sobbing or out of control. I just waited a bit, then turn back to the car, to drive off wherever it was I supposed to be."


( 創作文學賞析 )
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