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advices for KMD and taiwan people
2017/03/04 02:04:40瀏覽174|回應7|推薦0

馬英九說台獨不會成功 蔡正元:他的言論沒錯

--my question is:

any bad thing did by 台獨笨蛋國 can KMD recovery before too late?

do you believe 台獨笨蛋國 do nothing for their 台獨 dream so can run away their criemes in our Chinese history?
we already knew 台獨笨蛋國 continue performing anti Chinese cultures and get rid of any related Chinese even change school names?

my advice for KMD better be honest, only you admit somethings can't recovery then can let people make right choice in stead of continue cheat people in the end KMD became 台獨笨蛋國帮手.

my serious question is 台獨笨蛋國 is not alone they got japanbastards and usa master behind to help them how to make 台獨笨蛋國 comes truth, and what KMD can beat up 台獨笨蛋國? no money and no guts to cooperate with china, don't you see 30% 台獨笨蛋s can do anything they want?

my advice for taiwan people don't rely on KMD, only you people support one china can solve the problems.與中國大陸統一 is the max benefits for taiwan people and your kids.
319 無真相 無正义 and KMD 詹啟賢 is not the only one 立場不坚定, KMD water very deeply.

can you trust 立場不坚定 to do jobs right?
I don't and I bet 319 scandal happens again, we still suffer 無真相 無正义.

did 詹啟賢 ever say if possible I would do differently, I'm wrong and apology to taiwan people? because even as 醫院和醫生立場理應立刻對全國說明總統病情, not mention as KMD member.

however KMD 立場不坚定 too many so YOU have to be smart enough not be cheated and try independently do for yourself.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/03/07 15:40

孙中山之孙:500台湾社团将组建“反独大联盟” ...继魏明仁元旦在彰化升起五星红旗以及“中华爱国同心会”抗议“港独”分子到台湾后,3月12日下午,由孙中山先生的孙子孙武彦牵头,岛内四五百个政党和团体将在“国父纪念馆”成立“反独大联盟”。这些团体包括世界华人联谊总会、中国统一民主党和中华新住民党等。有岛内团体将邀请信息发给了《环球时报》记者,上面写着:当中山思想“天下为公,世界大同”日渐成为普世价值之际,宝岛台湾执行当局竟然居心叵测地“去中山化”,“是可忍,孰不可忍”。6日,孙武彦先生在接受《环球时报》独家专访时也谈到,唯有建立统一的中国,才能讲“中国人的世纪”。


蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-07 15:43 回覆:



蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-07 15:44 回覆:
  孙武彦: 袁世凯称帝后,孙中山进行了“二次革命”,到了台湾。袁世凯知道后派刺客前去刺杀,为掩人耳目,革命同志安排了一名台湾泰雅族女子和孙中山假扮夫妻,同时照顾他的生活。之后,他们到了日本,日久生情,生下我爸爸。所以,我不是孙科那一系的。 我父亲当时入户口时,找了一个姓赖的革命同志为养父,但他一直都姓孙。一直到父亲去世前一年,他才把身世告诉我,并把一些信物交给我,特别是日据时期的户口誊本。我知道身世后,马上带着信物去求证,结果完全吻合。这更增强了我要继承“中山遗志”、弘扬“中山思想”的决心,而他最大的、没有完成的遗志,就是中国统一。所以他说“革命尚未成功,同志仍须努力”,不但是对大家讲,也是对我讲。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-07 15:45 回覆:
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-07 15:46 回覆:
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-07 15:58 回覆:

--very good, don't let me down if you can't focus on taiwan 1st to perform chinese cultures and 三民主义. so many 三民主义 believers in usa 孙武彦s should request them do/help the jobs in taiwan. don't make it a biggest joke.
--finally 孙中山之孙 has the guts perform chinese cultures and 三民主义 in taiwan.

原民訴「不再相信總統」 ...

--原住民族委員 go go go. 台獨笨蛋國的國民 enjoy endless payment for 228.
certainly 原住民 has rights to force 台獨笨蛋國 pay for your ancestors who were killed by 台獨笨蛋國的國民 ancestors and killed by 台獨笨蛋國的 japanbastards.

2017/03/05 11:16

抗議退將被終身管制 羅智強要蔡政府也列管他

--we are not 台獨笨蛋國的國民. we are Chinese and we have right to visit/go any Chinese lands. we have right to join parties belong to Chinese in old 蒋时代 which dirty LDW also joined and today.
中华民国 creator 孫中山 already declared it is new 时代, multi parties allowed. old 蒋 didn't take 孫中山 advices caused diaster but he did regret and allow taiwan people visit china.
台獨笨蛋國 did the same thing as old 蒋时代 creates more diaster.

old 蒋 and 小蒋 both wanted to burry in china, 台獨笨蛋國 should tell taiwan people who forbid and why? 二蒋 tried to tell taiwan people 中华民国 is pre-dynasty, 中华人民共和国 is current one, don't hold 中华民国 but sell out our chinese sea lands.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-05 11:27 回覆:
old 蒋 died that day a weird thing happened to me, that a wind in front of me make a circle it never happened before nor after. when taiwan forbid 二蒋 buried in china I spoke for 二蒋 in udn and I knew that is why I was chosen.
when my mom made a ceremony for grandmom(mom's side, died in 1996)at home in 1997, again a 阴风 hit me... no one but me.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-05 11:56 回覆:

二蒋 didn't punish nor limit any taiwan people who went to china.
what kind of fuck 民主自由 today.

by the way didn't many 台獨笨蛋國的國民 A-bien and others visited china?
台獨笨蛋國 is very stink, themselves joined 共产党, visited china and now punish taiwan people.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-05 12:06 回覆:
I would suggest those chinese who are forbidden to visit our chinese places, put a sign declareing: I am a chinese and I have right to visit our chinese lands, and I can select 中华人民共和国 because 中华人民共和国 is the whole world admit represent chinese country, and in our chinese history 中华民国 is pre-dynasty. I even have right to join 共产党 which already existing in pre-dynasty 中华民国.

2017/03/05 07:53

馬英九:若條件成熟 可談和平、民主統一

--Aaaa look at taiwan what kind of 三民主義,自由民主 but 台獨笨蛋國 anti-孫中山 三民主義 and can do anything they want.
Aaaa full mouth liars cheat yourself. in usa 1999? I already point out in a meeting related 三民主義 group here that please try hard perform it in taiwan. I didn't see 三民主義 in taiwan but do see it in china. many from taiwan people clap their hands supporting me. while the one was cheated from china red face left the meeting earlier.

I accused the meeting leader cheated china people, he told me taiwan is too small can't perform 三民主義.
if taiwan has no perform 三民主義 experiences then no right point 3 speak 4 to china. 吳敦義 himself can't focus on to stop 台獨笨蛋國 destroy 三民主義 abusing 自由民主... I don't think he knew 三民主義 自由民主 well because his 立場不坚定. honest is the best policy or 在搬石頭砸自己的腳 especially we all knew taiwan very well.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-05 07:55 回覆:

by the way china since 毛泽东 very respect 孫中山, my last IT boss brought us to visit 孫中山 home town and even as MJD supporter my boss can't but happy to see china students, people.. so high quality there. even the bus female guider also much high quality than Taiwan's. you can confirm with him running ANCO company.

...since 毛泽东 very respect 孫中山..
--毛泽东s perform 孫中山三民主義 developed china well that's why today even usa treats china as the top threaton usa leader's position.
Look at taiwan was proud of top 3 dragons in asia and today the last one if count china in, taiwan already out.
Aaaa 台獨笨蛋國 still can cheat their 笨蛋國的國民 by full mouth liars, but suggest KMD don't 搬石頭砸自己的腳 because most KMD supporters are not 笨蛋, not mention others who hate 台獨笨蛋國 but not satisfy KMD weak behaviors.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-05 07:58 回覆:

自由民主? why udn as chinese created medias would frequently delete my opinions especially related 台獨笨蛋國? we all knew 台獨笨蛋國 websites forbid many not their supporters. indeed 台獨笨蛋國的國民 in taiwan has 120% 自由民主, but not others especially truly one china supporters. so 吳敦義 better open your eyes widely or is/were 台獨笨蛋國的國民 enjoy 120% 自由民主 so don't know truly one china supporters situation even in udn.



--support 13F and 高金素梅 another bravery KMD female.

2017/03/04 13:28

特朗普经济目标受到美投资人士 ...促使美国经济实际年增长率达到4%绝非小事一桩,对任何人来说都难以做到。VS



--if Trump wants to 增长率达到4% the quick and easy way is treats china and russia as friends, especially truely support one china. without taiwan problem china already be usa the best 伙伴(it didn't mean china would encourage usa attack/invade other countries, china is a best friend that won't drag usa down by doing wrong thins)

And taiwan people also can enjoy the max. benefits from one china.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-04 13:59 回覆:



蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-04 14:00 回覆:



2017/03/04 02:54
what is 中華民國一中各表? does it mean 中华人民共和国 = 中华民国 = 中国 ?
what about 中华人民共和国一中各表? 中华民国 = 中华人民共和国 = 中国?
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-04 09:24 回覆:

can udn explain why my post opinions gone in "馬英九:我們的一中政策就是一中各表"? what is your rules?
the last I post is  what is 中華民國一中各表?

does it mean 中华人民共和国 = 中华民国 = 中国 ?
what about 中华人民共和国一中各表? 中华民国 = 中华人民共和国 = 中国?
I can't but stop because seems copy/paste malfunctions... and very difficult to "write" my opinions. the above is the best for both side, the question is will KMD has guts agree it.

洪秀柱 is honest about 国民党之所以沦落到如今地步,就是因为“我们忘掉了自己是谁”,讲到两岸政策暧昧不明.., if KMD smart then should take my advice about 一中各表 as

中华人民共和国 = 中华民国 = 中国

--it is so simple, very clearly every Chinese in taiwan understand without confusion.

立場一定會坚定, so 詹啟賢不會再一次立場不坚定 Laaa.
without 一中各表's definition in the end make a mess. the question is :

do you have guts and smart enough can treat 中华人民共和国 as your people?

can you treat china lands as our Chinese lands?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-04 11:16 回覆:

agree with 4F 費雷梯. 一個中國=一中 is the whole world recognized. 一中 is taiwan people can get max. benefits...you can go/stay any place in china, you can have the whole china people as your clients, you can learn lots from high IQ people in china...if you really excellent even can be presiden of 中國. we knew it.

the question is what caused KMD 立場不坚定? Right in the beginning can't define 一中各表 in smart way. my major is math. and it is not difficult for me because you only need understand the "definition".

even taiwan people who already knew KMD is too weak can't rely on, can't beat up 台獨笨蛋國 have no proplem to support 武統 and asap. do you think usa would support taiwan fight against with china? I don't think so, usa failed in N.Korean war that china was economic blockaded by usa. today in taiwan we have many suppoet 武統. no Chinese would die for 台獨笨蛋國.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-04 11:17 回覆:

however once again, I am calling taiwan people to be truly one-china supporters now then we can end 美方一中政策, KMD 一中各表, because usa master and japanbastards are very likely using psychology as threaton weapons(so Powell just 3 days in FBI office deeply believed Sadam can put nuclear weapon in his pocket), today 台獨笨蛋國的國民 deeply believe they were Japanese, tomorrow those mental mind not strong enough Chinese also would believe they were Japanese. no time for KMD 一中乱表.

I never trust usa, since watched what usa did in Africa, middle eastern countries...you know what taiwan would become. Don't let usa play taiwan as its 棋子,

the only way is chinese in taiwan bravery showing you are 一中 supporters.

2017/03/04 02:44

馬英九:美回歸一中政策 對台有利

--my serious question is can KMD and 馬英九 perform 中華民國一中各表? if it is 一中 why punish taiwan retired soldiers visit china? or why KMD can't stop 台獨笨蛋國 abuse retired soldiers and those companies related to china tourists? not mention those anti-chinese done by 台獨笨蛋國 especially still going on without taiwan people knowing. 言論 sounds 沒錯 but what we saw is 台獨笨蛋國帮手 because KMD capability can't perform it. some due to 立場不坚定 including Ma, main caused by 台獨笨蛋國 got japanbastards and usa master behind.

2017/03/04 02:06

言論沒錯 didn't mean KMD has the capability to perform it.
same as 大纪元 seems support Chinese cultures, 三民主义 言論是沒錯 可是 can't perform in taiwan. we all knew the result more and more 台獨笨蛋國言論 performs. why? KMD 立場不坚定 too many, more and more 不敢反驳台獨笨蛋國言論,拿香跟着拜,人云亦云,丢脸啊!

better be honest only that can solve the serious problems unless too many 立場不坚定 in KMD won't tell the truth but became 台獨笨蛋國帮手.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-22 07:56 回覆:
be alert !! 台“司法改革”出新规 A-扁有望借此翻案